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Giovanni Gale

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Bring your own toilet paper. As I already explained to a few other TDNers, you won't be able to find any in the public toilets. ;)


Okay, that's beyond strange. I'm not sure I want to know why that is missing...

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You'll also need a truckful of mosquito repellent, and a portable fan of some sort, unless you're already used to a tropical climate. And, uh, don't complain about the government too loudly - they can arrest you and keep you locked up without trial for as long as they like.


Edit: The toilet paper either gets stolen, or used to vandalise the toilet.

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Actually, I think I like JB's explanation better. We should put toilet paper monster signs up in every public toilet, so people are too busy laughing running away in terror to mess with the paper rolls. xD

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You'll also need a truckful of mosquito repellent, and a portable fan of some sort, unless you're already used to a tropical climate. And, uh, don't complain about the government too loudly - they can arrest you and keep you locked up without trial for as long as they like.


Edit: The toilet paper either gets stolen, or used to vandalise the toilet.


:laughingsmiley: Well that sounds rather awesome.


I could never go there. I'm severely allergic to mosquitoes, and repellent doesn't work. Nothing does. And for some reason, they're highly attracted to me.

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Well, it's not too bad overall I have to say, although the government has used the Internal Security Act against a high-profile blogger simply for speaking out... :sad01_anim:


Oh Spritzie, it seems we have very similar troubles. xD I absolutely loathe mosquitoes, and they simply cannot be avoided here in Malaysia.

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I've always had bad reactions to mosquito bites. They usually swell and all that fun stuff. When I played softball, I was in the outfield, so that made it worse. When my team was up to bat, we'd sit and count our bites to see who had the most. I always won with a margin of at least 10+.

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It would also serve as protection from stray flying balls I suppose. xD Maybe you could have coated it in glue of some sort so the ball would stick to it if it hit?

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Not a bad idea, though I don't think that would be too fair.


But no one ever hit it out there. I swear, the only girls that hit it out that far, were on my team. I could have taken a nap and no one would have noticed. But that's what I got for having a strong throwing arm.

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We were briefly discussing Malaysia and the associated mosquito hazards before, at which point Spritzie mentioned her problems with mosquitoes at softball games. :yes:


Edit: Ninja'ed! Oh, Spritzie, I can barely lift a softball bat. xD

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Heh, well at least I'm finally getting some chances to play StarCraft 2. :yes: Although I must say I suck horrendously at it, to the point where the only strategy I can pull off with any semblance of decency is a photon cannon rush. xD

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I do occasionally enjoy watching sports, but it kinda varies with my mood. Although StarCraft replays tend to be an exception, especially if they're crazy good ones (like most matches involving TLO (famous player) are). :yes:


And yes, I consider StarCraft a sport. :P


And I should probably be heading to bed, so g'nite!

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