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Giovanni Gale

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Livvy! Erm... x_x *quashes imagination*

:ohno: Sorry Theo! It's not that bad, I promise!



If they key is broken, JB, shouldn't it not matter what's on it? And isn't F a kind of necessary letter?

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Really livvy? Mine are the same size, although they are quite hard to take off the keyboard.

I like the F# keys.

I use the numbers from F5 to F12.

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Hey CAV, would you be willing to use a 9 instead of a 6? Since to my slightly dyslexic eyes it looks closer to a P. Or I suppose you could copy a P and hit ctr+v every time your wanted a P. But then again I guess the 6 is working fine and I just need to suck it up and try a little harder when reading your posts.


No need anymore. I found my laptop, so I can freely use the letter p now.


CAV did actually try the pasting trick at first, but I presume it got too time consuming.


It did get too time consuming.


CAV, I just thought of something. What you do is, you take a screwdriver and gently push one of your useless buttons (Probably an F something). Then you push it in to where your 'P' key should go. Then, just click that, and you can type the letter 'P'!

(And if you need to, push a 'P' key up too}


Read above.

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My keyboard doesn't actually have function keys. I need to use the 'fn' modifier in conjunction with the tiny special control keys to trigger them (which gets annoying in some RTS games where I have to use those keys xD ). I've seen plenty of keyboards (both peripheral and built-in) with very similar setups, and plenty more with a full set of function keys in separate sockets of various sizes, or embedded with the main bulk of the keyboard. So it's quite normal for different keyboard models from different manufacturers to have different setups, depending on the space requirements and such. :yes:


That said, switching out a key probably wouldn't help to fix it at all. Most of the keyboard problems I've seen involve the spring mechanism in the key's connector, or the contacts on the circuitry beneath.

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Hmm... while I've found the 'fn' modifier toggle to be almost innocuous on laptops these days, very few of the ones I've used have had their function keys only available through this toggle. It seems to be extremely common on netbooks, but much less so on larger laptops.


Or maybe I just don't use enough computers. :P

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Out of curiosity, what model is the laptop you're using? I'd love to be able to brush up on my knowledge of keyboard tendencies before I end up shopping for a new computer. xD

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I'm not sure wht kinda laptop I use, Ijust kno it's slow. :yes:


Anyway, how has eeryone's day been?

I have my laptop outside right now and i'm taking a break from decorating my yard and front porch. -points at the fake but very realistic looking rats, spiders, and crows on the table and ledges everywhere and the fake bats hanging from the ceiling.- And I still haven't even started the best part, the graveyard. :D

-takes a strobe light and leaves to work on garage doors-

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I use a Dell E6400. The Function keys only work if I press them along with the "fn" key. :yes:


Have fun Ryan! Sounds super scary. (Wow, that was some good alliteration right there xD) :laughingsmiley:

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Well since we're sharing I've got a Mac and you've got to use the fn button to get to the actual f#s but I can't say I've ever used them on the Mac, used to use them on my PC though.


Also, Ryan that sounds like so much fun. I carved my pumpkin last night, I'll go take a picture and post it. I think it came out pretty awesome.

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Sounds fun. ^^ Can't wait to see it.

I went to this yearly thing they do at the elementary school I went too where they hve all these pumpkins that they do at the school lined upoutside, some of them were really awesome.


Me is taking a break cause there's not that muc left to do. -looks around-

Oh! I did find my giant rubber snake. It was in the garage beind the Halloween bins so yay. :D


Oh and we're going to Party City later. Gonna get one of those bowls that has a hand inside that grabs your hand if you try to reach in the bowl to get candy. Yay for scaring little kids that want candy! :D

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I just like the look of Halloween candy.

It's different to normal candy, exactly why I love Pumpkin Pocky.

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Exactly! Just like I was watching some Youmacon panel from last year. The guests were getting candy thrown at them. It was apparently painful... :(

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