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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Because he doesn't want me hanging out with my friends online (that's you guys) during the week, and time and time again I foiled his 6lots, like I am now. There's just a minor setback.


He just doesn't understand that I'm on the brink of insanity and my friends are my only asylum.

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Sorry, I just REALLY didn't like Num3ers. Am I struggling with you because you don't like The Sim6sons?


Not really. FG's humor is based ENTIRELY off of making fun of the latest star and 6o6 culture references, which gets really stale after a while. Sim6sons can be funny by making their own jokes, while NOT making fun of celebraties.


HECK, FG has ri66ed off the Sim6sons in so many 6laces.


No, I was just joking. I mean I find it strange that someone doesnt like Numb3rs, but you are not struggling. :)


Yeah, but I still come to the conclusion that they are both rather annoyingish shows.

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Because he doesn't want me hanging out with my friends online (that's you guys) during the week, and time and time again I foiled his 6lots, like I am now. There's just a minor setback.


He just doesn't understand that I'm on the brink of insanity and my friends are my only asylum.

But why did he just take the keyboard? Why not the whole computer?

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My parents consider me mature enough to provide you guys with diplomatic immunity of sorts. :yes:

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My parents got mad at me when I was little because they found out I set my age 22 on my old Neo account(Lost the pass and now have my new account that I like much more, and that has the correct b-day) and was chatting on the boards, plus had a pokemoncrater account which they didn't allow.

Now they let me do pretty much whatever I want on here. -shrug-


CAV, why are you replacing your p's with 6's?

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The 'P' key on CAV's keyboard is broken, and I have so far failed at helping him to get his system's on-screen keyboard working. :(


Seeing as I'm the guy who keeps all the computers in our household running, my parents give me a lot of leeway in that respect. xD



*all computers crash*


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On-screen keyboards are a pretty standard accessibility feature in modern operating systems. It's basically a keyboard that appears on the screen, on which you can click the keys to use them. :yes:

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Watching all you guys sharing high school stories makes me feel so... old. And I'm only sixteen! xD

I feel old because I've been out of HS for over 6 years. o_O


What's everyone going out for Halloween on Sunday?

I don't get to do anything. I have to be at work from 7am to 7pm.

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Hey CAV, would you be willing to use a 9 instead of a 6? Since to my slightly dyslexic eyes it looks closer to a P. Or I suppose you could copy a P and hit ctr+v every time your wanted a P. But then again I guess the 6 is working fine and I just need to suck it up and try a little harder when reading your posts.


And on Halloween I will be in church in the morning and as of yet have no plans for later in the day but I do have a GIANT CHICKEN COSTUME! :woot:

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My parents consider me mature enough to provide you guys with diplomatic immunity of sorts. :yes:

Diplomatic immunity?



For Halloween, I'm gonna be a black cat! Just like I was last year. *pokes the profile picture* I can't go trick-or-treating, 'cuz mum says I'm too old, but I will be going to a party. =]

(I'd post a picture of the whole costume, but it's a little, ah, tight. Heh.)

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I'm not really much of a Halloween (or any holiday celebration) person myself. But it's great to see other people having fun.


I feel old because I've been out of HS for over 6 years. o_O

So I'm about four years behind you on that front. Not sure if I should be feeling young or old there. :P


Hey CAV, would you be willing to use a 9 instead of a 6? Since to my slightly dyslexic eyes it looks closer to a P. Or I suppose you could copy a P and hit ctr+v every time your wanted a P. But then again I guess the 6 is working fine and I just need to suck it up and try a little harder when reading your posts.


And on Halloween I will be in church in the morning and as of yet have no plans for later in the day but I do have a GIANT CHICKEN COSTUME! :woot:

Great costume! xD


CAV did actually try the pasting trick at first, but I presume it got too time consuming.


Diplomatic immunity?

Diplomatic immunity. b)


For Halloween, I'm gonna be a black cat! Just like I was last year. *pokes the profile picture* I can't go trick-or-treating, 'cuz mum says I'm too old, but I will be going to a party. =]

(I'd post a picture of the whole costume, but it's a little, ah, tight. Heh.)

Livvy! Erm... x_x *quashes imagination*

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CAV, I just thought of something. What you do is, you take a screwdriver and gently push one of your useless buttons (Probably an F something). Then you push it in to where your 'P' key should go. Then, just click that, and you can type the letter 'P'!

(And if you need to, push a 'P' key up too}

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