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Very interesting indeed. :yes:


My university's library is huge, but most of the shelves are only half full. xD They're being filled up with time as the library gets new books though.


Lol, sounds fun.


My awesome teacher lets us get away with all kinds of stuff. In 1st hour when I have her for Honors English she lets us play all kinds of jokes on her. Like when someone taped the stamp she stamps our planners with to the ceiling... xD

And in 8th hour when I have her for AVID we can do whatever we want as long as we get whatever our main task is, finished. She even shares chips and stuff with us occasionally and lets us have parties in her classroom on special occasions. :D

Oh and she has a mini-library we can check out books from in her classroom which is awesome, and what makes it really awesome is that quite a few of those books wouldn't be allowed in our school's main library... 0:)


Sorry AA. xD



8th grade. xD I feel so young. Dx

you have an 8 hour school day ?

All of my teachers hate me xD


My teachers all hate me, including my band teacher who doesnt hate hate, but you can tell there is something bout me he doesnt like xD


Ours is uh... 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours (I am counting this out on my fingers :P)...7 hours exactly! :D


I used to have a nine hour school day (07:30 to 16:30). :yes: That got reaaally boring at times...


Wow, that's a long day.

Although, i do go to a couple of out of school activites.


Eh, I managed to get myself scheduled into a full twelve hours of classes only a couple of weeks ago. That was pretty tiring. xD But you know what's longest of all? Spending three hours coding in assembly language. That was the most painful assignment I've ever had to do (and it's still not working <_< ).


So what is it that has you up at three in the morning anyway?


Ugh coding. I never had to do any hard core coding but every time I had to write some programs it was like I wanted to tear my hair out it was so frustrating. Especially when you're working on a group project at 2 in the morning at its due to be presented at 9. I'm afraid to say I had a bit of a mental break down then, thankfully my group was understanding.


But I suspect the pain is keeping me up.


:O That's... not a very nice way to be kept up.


And actually I love programming. xD I've always been a programmer at heart, and I really enjoy getting a system to pull together and jump through exactly the hoops I need it to at breakneck speed. There are only a couple of languages which I've discovered an intense dislike for: Java (not sure why, I just don't like it) and assembly (raw processor instructions).


Heh, thanks. It feels pretty cool to be one of the people who'll be keeping the world running. :P


That's more towards hardware work, but hey, I'm studying robotics, so I should be able to get that to work too. :yes: The optics stuff is probably a little above my level right now though.


Like Divya said, it's one of the best shows there has been in recent years. It had all the right content.




I never liked Simpsons. But then again, I've never liked shows like that... Family Guy, The Simpsons, etc.


Sorry, but I hated Num3ers.


Family Guy is good, but only because it LIVES off of making fun of other things. The Sim6sons was able to be funny without doing so.


Family Guy isnt that great either. But I like it better than the Simpsons because it is less crude.


Family Guy is SEVERAL times more offensive than The Sim6sons. I have no idea where you're coming from.


Family Guy is SEVERAL times more offensive than The Sim6sons. I have no idea where you're coming from.

I don't think Divya was saying it was less offensive, just that the Simpson has a different kind of humor. Quite frankly, they are both pretty offensive at times. And for me personally, that kind of humor is actually not amusing at all but I much prefer Family Guy.


Sorry, but I hated Num3ers.


Family Guy is SEVERAL times more offensive than The Sim6sons. I have no idea where you're coming from.


Strange child! :laughingsmiley:


What I meant (as Wembly said) that I think that The Simpsons has a worse kind of humor than Family Guy.


I don't think Divya was saying it was less offensive, just that the Simpson has a different kind of humor. Quite frankly, they are both pretty offensive at times. And for me personally, that kind of humor is actually not amusing at all but I much prefer Family Guy.


Agreed! :)


I don't like Family Guy or the Simpsons. Of course, it may be because my mom won't let me watch them.


I understand not being able to see Family Guy. But The Sim6sons isn't that inni6ro6riate.


Strange child! :laughingsmiley:


What I meant (as Wembly said) that I think that The Simpsons has a worse kind of humor than Family Guy.


Sorry, I just REALLY didn't like Num3ers. Am I struggling with you because you don't like The Sim6sons?


Not really. FG's humor is based ENTIRELY off of making fun of the latest star and 6o6 culture references, which gets really stale after a while. Sim6sons can be funny by making their own jokes, while NOT making fun of celebraties.


HECK, FG has ri66ed off the Sim6sons in so many 6laces.


Yes Livvy, the key is broken, so I'm re6lacing it with a 6 because it looks slightly like one.


It's cause my dad took my la6to6, then took the keyboard from the main com6uter, so I'm using an old keyboard where the key is broken.

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