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Giovanni Gale

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What are circle rolls? I'm assuming they're circular in shape but, what else is so special about them?


EDIT: Just realised that this is my 333th post! Yay for identical digits :P

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Um, I don't know what an English muffin is...


No, it's like a light yeasty, damperish kinda food.


Will this picture clear up your head of what it looks like?

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Apparently it's butter. I just googled crumpets for a picture, just for you JB!


But no, I had golden syrup on mine. Wait... do you have golden syrup in Canada????? o_O

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I dont know. I got bored last night and was thinking back to English that day when we were discussing uhm... milk and racism. And I was hyper, so hence the Hamster thing. Now I'm looking for an answer :D

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Well, NZ is a Commonwealth country.

Hmm... golden syrup is a bit like maple syrup, although I've never had maple syrup.


The scaley looking things are actually holes, or like air vents.

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The scaley looking things scare me :worried:


Waaaaaaay off topic, but does anyone know when the Game Challenge starts again? :laughingsmiley: I just got back on Neopets tonight ^_^ (I haven't looked), but is it on there, or does someone just know? :graduated:

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As a Numb3rs fan, I must say that maths is epically awesome. It helps us to unlock knowledge in ways which we would never have thought possible. :D

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Agreed with AA! I love Numb3rs and it just shows everyone the awesome uses of math in a very interesting show. :yes:


Me too. They made it enjoyable for everyone, even people who had trouble grasping the concepts.


Not to mention that the plot and the characters are great too. :yes:


Agreed! :yes: It was such an amazing show! I'm really going to miss it. :(

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Why does everybody continue to mention Num3ers.


Sorry guys. My dad took my lato away (again), and he took away the keyboard for this comuter. The keyboard I am currently using has a broken p button, so you'll have to do without it. Whenever it's su66ose to be there, I'll 6ut a 6, so you know what is su%%ose to be there.

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