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It does not, in fact. But anywho, it's not really important, it was just bugging me.


D= I can't write. I did something to my finger and it is now terribly painful to hold a pencil.


Awww. Do you know what you did to it? :(


My wrist has been hurting. Both actually. I have to go see an Orthopedic specialist in a couple weeks.


I have a bad habit of picking at the skin around my nails, so sometimes I'll wrap them with medical tape to stop myself from doing so. Well one of them was getting bad, so I wrapped it, but apparently I wrapped it too tight and hindered the circulation. So then when I went to unwrap it this morning, all the blood rushed back forming basically a giant bruise on the upper segment of my right ring finger.


And that's what happened. Sorry for the ugly description.


D= I can't write. I did something to my finger and it is now terribly painful to hold a pencil.

Your smiley is backwards, we read left to right...sorry, its one of my pet peeves, I really don't understand why people started switching the orientation <_<


But sorry about your finger, sounds like an ouchie. Hope it feels better soon. I actually haven't hurt myself lately, I'm kind of impressed now that I think about it.


I think the orientation is switched because D= is supposed to portray more of a distressed face, whereas =D appears to be very happy. So I'm going out on a limb and saying it's not backwards.


D= I can't write. I did something to my finger and it is now terribly painful to hold a pencil.


At least your finger isn't broken. I gotta wear a splint at all times. Can't do sports, I can barely type, and I gotta tape a bag over my hand for when I have to do something that involves getting wet (shower, washing dishes, etc.)


I think the orientation is switched because D= is supposed to portray more of a distressed face, whereas =D appears to be very happy. So I'm going out on a limb and saying it's not backwards.

Meh, I guess I see your point but I still say its backwards. You have to read it right to left then switch back to reading left to right to read the sentence.


But, but.... that's the only way to show distress! :ohno:


I feel like crying. For no reason whatsoever. I feel like sleeping, and crying. =[ Bad day.


That's funny, I had a really bad day today too. I felt really depressed this morning.


Hope you start feeling better soon Livvy :/


I've been having bad days for the longest now.


Ewwie, well I'm sorry you had a bad day. How about reading some http://mylifeisaverage.com/ they always make me smile. Or listening to so music?


MLIA is good, but I perfer fmylife.com. The stories remind you that whatever happened to you can't be as bad as what happened to the people that post there.


Sorry about all your bad days, guys. :(

Tbh i'm not sure what my day was. Half was great, the other half of my day was depressing. -shrug-


Wembly, those were hilarious. -rofl's about the salsa and chalk one-


MLIA was good until it became popular. The things on it now aren't average anymore, unless the average person gets A's for doodling on tests, loves Harry Potter and hates Twilight, and goes to colleges where people dress up in Halloween costumes all the time (at least these were the ones that kept popping up every day earlier this year).


And they're never actually average anymore. Like this one:

Today I finally got to take off the bandage from my surgery. When I finally got to see skin what did I find? The doctor drew a smiley face on my leg with sharpie. MLIA

Since when was that average?


The first ones were the best ones because they actually were average and they were random, which was what made them funny. Like this one:

Today, I briefly considered getting car insurance, before realizing that I didn't want to deal with it at the moment. Then I had some trail mix. MLIA


The original ones actually happened. The ones nowadays are completely made up. MLIA is no good anymore.




On the other hand, some sites MLIA links to are pretty funny. Like DGAM, where the guy takes something he hears a girl say and then posts it and responds to it.



Dear Girls Above Me,


“Did you hear that all these kids were rescued in Chile after being trapped in some mountain?” Miners, not minors.


Actually, I like the new ones better. Since I really am looking for things that are small moments of hilarity in an ordinary day, that's what makes it average to me because honestly I don't really want to read 20 pages of "Today I ate soup. MLIA" That is not amusing to me. And as a side note: there actually are a lot of college students who dress up, granted it doesn't happen every day but you remember it when it does.


FML just makes me sad for other people. I had to stop going there. I was becoming too empathetic for people I don't even know.


Edit: Haha, I love dear girls above me, I haven't read that one yet though, too funny. I agree the links are awesome.


I agree, Will. MLIA is no longer average. Remember when Waldo was a popular topic? That never happens. Okay, well, I was once wearing blue jeans and a red-and-white striped shirt and someone came up to me and said "If you only had a cane, you'd look just like Where's Waldo, except... a girl!"


But, y'know, I don't claim that to be average. I claim that to be people at my school.


And I never go on FML. Too... unfortunate. I'm really a cheerful person; that stuff saddens me.


Try dealing with teen depression. Everything you wanna do is just sad. Anything fun you try is just sad...


Try dealing with teen depression. Everything you wanna do is just sad. Anything fun you try is just sad...


OK, I'm back on this account Anime helped me out bunches! Gah.. but yeah, Drr was me.


Lol, Doc, that is very true. xD

I'm hoping i've already found out what that's like because if I haven't and it can actually get worse... -hides- o.o


Yeah I know it is! I've got it...

Oh, it always gets worse. As my Dad always says "No matter how hard life is, It can only get harder"


I dunno, I feel like the "count your blessings" thing is always helpful. That and the "well at least I'm not that guy" probably helps some too.

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