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Giovanni Gale

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I saw more ghosts today...my house is haunted but they were quiet for a year or so, I knew they were there though, because I can feel their presence...but today I saw one of them. She's a nasty piece of work though.

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Sounds like ghosts...and There are two nasty ghosts in my house, and one cherub that follows me around, and three or four others too...my house is pretty bad, but the bad ones can't get in my room. I put up wards with the help of my friend.

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I don't believe in ghosts mainly because I believe once we're dead that's it for us. We don't leave behind spirits or ghosts or angels or anything. Just a rotting corpse!


However, if ghosts did exist, I bet they would spend their time haunting people for laughs and ghost parties.

I would love to have a ghost party.

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I don't know what happens after you die. I am suppose to be Catholic, but since I believe in Evolution so much, and I lost so much faith in the lord, that a religous person would point and shout "THAT KID IS AN ATHIEST! THERE'S AN ATHIEST AMONG US! QUICK, GET ME THE BIBLE! WE MUST SAVE THIS POOR CHILD!"

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*beats CAV with a Bible* RELIGION, YOU FOOL! >=O


Er... *clears throat* *helps CAV back up* Yeah. So.


To the ACTUAL topic at hand: *freaks out* Eee, scary ghost stories. *hides* I don't believe in ghosts, but every time I hear about them, it still freaks me out a little. I'm such a wimp.

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Bad Livvy! :angry:


Seriously though, some of the copies of the Bible I use on a regular basis are veritable monsters. I hope Livvy never gets her hands on one of those. :P


Anyway, ghost stories... erm... Who you gonna c- *shot*

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Ooh, religion. My favorite topic at 7 AM in the morning :P

Langston Hughes actually wrote a really interesting essay called Salvation, which I've linked in case anybody wants to check it out.


And I don't believe in ghosts either. They don't make sense. I mean, according to physics, since they don't have mass, they shouldn't be able to apply any force whatsoever. The theory of a poltergeist is very flawed.

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D= Er, uhh... :worried: No, what ever do you mean? :whistle:


Honestly though, I'm cool with any religion. I was just going off what you said. =P


I see.


I'm not fully athiest, but someone would most likely accuse me of it.

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