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Giovanni Gale

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My biggest To Visit places are Egypt, Germany, Ireland, and Japan. Germany because my family is German. Ireland, because the husband's family is Irish. And Egypt because I love the culture. Japan because he loves the culture.

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Cute art! I looked her up and I have to say... artists like her inspire me especially to not give up so easily. Even though she's blind, she still does what she loves and has a positive attitude. :D


What..............she is? I never saw that mentioned on her DA page.


EDIT: Oh. I didn't see her newest poll. That explains why I didn't know.


But that makes her even more of an inspiration. It's why I want to draw: to amount to what she can do.

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Well people probably have found them already if you did.


How about doing something that sounds similar to a Egyptian god? Like Osyrus (or something like that) instead of Osiris?


That's what I ended up doing for the Jubjub. I actually used a Egyptian name generator, and just kept going until I found one I liked.


I got lucky with my Draik's name. It ended up being my favorite choice, and her name is Slavic for what flying fiery serpents. I was shocked that wasn't taken.

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I spend forever picking the perfect name, if I have something in mind for them. But then again, sometimes names just pop into my head. Like I'm going to be painting one of my Jubjub's fire, and the name "HeatedDiscussion" popped into my head. Or "HolidayAngst" for my Christmas Jubjub, because it looks like it fell into a box of Christmas decorations.

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Heh, I guess I'd be able to pick out pet names more carefully these days, but my pet (stalker271) and some of my brother's pets (who I'm now taking care of) were all born back in the days where we didn't know much better. I'm kinda okay with the numbers though - as Anime once said, they give you a convenient full name to yell when you're angry. :P


I really want to go to Australia. It's my dream place. I love all of the animals there.

Australia's a pretty cool place. :yes: I grew up in New Zealand, so I've been on a couple of visits there (and almost been kicked by a kangaroo xD ). I also have an old school friend who was born in Australia. Her family moved to Malaysia early on, so she grew up here, but she's now studying to become an architect back in Melbourne.

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I spend forever picking the perfect name, if I have something in mind for them. But then again, sometimes names just pop into my head. Like I'm going to be painting one of my Jubjub's fire, and the name "HeatedDiscussion" popped into my head. Or "HolidayAngst" for my Christmas Jubjub, because it looks like it fell into a box of Christmas decorations.

I am not creative in case of names, so I use sites like A Gift For Life, Classic Roots, and Beauty's Ensign for Untaken Pet Names. :yes:

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Hmm... you know, a Neopets name generator might be an interesting page to program. :yes:

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Heh, I'm very bad at coming up with random stuff that sounds even remotely like a decent name. My brain's just not wired for that brand of random. xD

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