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I don't know all, I'm just a teensy bit of a StarCraft fan, that's all there is to it. :P


Theo knows allllll...



About Starcraft apparently. xD



And I just noticed that it says AA in your siggy. :O


:ohno: Well... I guess that wouldn't be too bad, would it Livvy Spritzie?


Nope. It wouldn't be bad at all, since we're both so awesome, right, Spritzie Livvy?


*shrugs* Someone say it's a "new" state, because there's something like that over in Europe or something. I have no idea. I slept through Geography.


I just totally fail at Geography. I only found out recently that Asia isn't a country next to China, and that Africa is a continent.

Also, apparently there's 4 oceans. Who knew? o.o


Really? I've always found history really easy.

I think in High-school i'm not gonna takeHonors Science again and instead go with a History class, AP if they have that for History which I think they do...

I'm one of those people that are better with English and History than Math and Science. -shrug-


My best subjects were always English/Language and Science. With History, I found it boring, and I had a really hard time memorizing dates and such.


I found HIstory fascinating. I like reading about stuff like WW2.


And Science was easy, but this year, they added a bunch of math stuff. Meh.


Only certain things in history really held my interest.


I loved all my science and English classes. Math was okay, I was usually in the advanced/honors math classes.


Lol, i'm never going into honors math.

I saw some 12th grade AP calculus classwork the other day, and just looking at it scared me. o.o'


Btw, random note:

I have a can of diet A&W rootbeer right now. The last time I had that in this chair on this computer was during AC 3, a few days after the prizes came out. I iz happy right now. xD


It's really called Sparkling Water, but I refuse to call it that. (Meghan says that's like Twilight water.)


It's just water (usually all it has is some flavoring, if that.) but it's made with carbonated water. It doesn't have any of the sugar, sodium, etc. that soda has.


It is good. I keep a bottle at work. I'm not a big water drinker, but I love the flavored. Plus, it's tons cheaper than soda. At the stores here, you can get liter bottles for 83 cents.

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