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I have a question for you CAV. Since you like Harry Potter so much and I have no clue about it, other than the hype... what is it you like about it so much?


I guess I'm curious to see if it's something I should ever try to read or not.


I have a question for you CAV. Since you like Harry Potter so much and I have no clue about it, other than the hype... what is it you like about it so much?


The books are so captivating. The story sucks you in, and you just want to keep reading to see what happens next. One time I was reading the Half Blood Prince, and I was so interested in it, that I never realized that I was reading for 5 hours straight.


And the movies are amazing. While they tend to miss some stuff from the books, you have to remember that they can't take EVERYTHING from the books. If they do, it would be a 7 hour movie.


But the movies are spectacular.


Hey Lego Man :)


Okay. That sounds good to me. I'm generally one of those people that once I start reading a book, I have a hard time putting it down until I'm done, even if that means staying up until 5am to finish. If I had my way, I'd always finish books in 1 day. I still do, when I'm off work.


I'll have to look into them.


Ok. I will, but don't put anything pertaining to the Deathly Hallows, because I haven't finished the book yet.


1. Under the staircase.

2. The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in the 3rd book.

3. Weasley.

4. Sickles and Gallons.

5. Dragon Heartstrings(?)

7. Hogwarts (is that what you're talking about?)

8. Don't remember. The Sorcerer's Stone was destroyed.

9. Voldemort.

10. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville Longbottom, and Katie Bell.

11. Don't remember

12. Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Tom Riddle

13. Don't know.

14. Snape

15. He is the only person who can destroy him

16. Lucius Malfoy's dwarf slave

17. Wormtail

18. In the restricted boys bathroom

19. Beatrix (can't remember her last name)

20. Order of the Phonix(?)


My mind is shot....





5:No. A tail feather from Fawkes the Pheonix.

6:forgot to post :*


8:Philosopher's and sorcerer's stone. Half right.



11:Ollivander, Gregorvitch (don't remember the third either)

12:Yes. Would of preferred someone in the present day era, but I didn't specify.

13: Professor Trelawney, Book 3


15:Will give you it. A prophecy was made about them.


17:Yes. Though somebody might of said Voldermort.


19:Yes. (The last name is Lestrange).




I did better than I though I would.


17:Yes. Though somebody might of said Voldermort.


Whoever would say that would be wrong. Voldermort simply commanded Wormtail to kill Cedric. Wormtail followed directions, and committed the actual murder.


*pokes head in* Hey everyone! I'm back from a week or so of performance + long project which had been taking up most of my time. Also, I've made a resolution to be nicer and less sarcastic (or at least to try), because apparently as you get older, you get meaner, and I don't want to be mean! :O


So there. My past week or so in a nutshell.


Oh, also, I'm allergic to coffee. I unintentionally confirmed that today.


You're allergic to coffee?? Did you just try it for the first time? Or is that new?


I don't like coffee, so in my opinion, you aren't missing much.


Well, I've always known that coffee has never agreed with mum, so up until today, I've avoided it. I didn't even realize I was having coffee - I was eating tiramisu which I only later discovered had coffee in it. I didn't actually get sick sick, I just felt really nauseous and crampy. And that was just a tiny bit of coffee, so actually drinking it can only be worse.


Fortunately, I'm not allergic to the smell of coffee. Much as it doesn't like my stomach, I can still spend 10 extra minutes in the coffee bean aisle at the grocery store.


Well, maybe I'll just be NICER about my sarcasm. ;)


It's kind of reassuring to know I'm not the only one who gets sick from coffee. I won't say it's nice to know, because it's never nice that people get sick, but I do feel less weird not being alone in this allergy.

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