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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I'm going to attempt to reword the laws of Newton my memory. Here goes:


When stopped, and object won't go


Unless pushed by another moving object.


Unless the moving object isn't moving enough.


So, did I get a C, at the least? :)

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Nonononono! That isnt what I was saying! I just thought it was funny! Please dont use my comment as a new weapon! :sad01_anim:


*loads post into sub machine gun*


CAV might get mad though. :whistle:




Haha I was just saying that rewording a law doesn't make it yours.


Ok then. No problem with you.


But Jhon took it as if I was stealing the law. Why would I steal a law? I'd rather make my own. Which reminds me


Divya's Law


In the event that Divya Bean posts, the person below her must dance.


Just a random thought.

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Eh, well you got the first one, kinda.

First law: An object stays in a state of rest or uniform motion if not acted upon by an external force.

Second law: Essentially the equation F=ma

Third law: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction (i.e. I push all wall with a force of "F", and it "pushes" back -F).


No CAV, we just didn't like how you claimed credit for a law that wasn't yours.

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No CAV, we just didn't like how you claimed credit for a law that wasn't yours.


1. If a law was mine, it would be CAV's Law. There is no such thing, since I can't create a law based on my own, that is self centered.

2. When and how did I claim credit? I simply said that I defined the law.

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All of you that are argueing about this, just shut up already, I don't mean to be rude but this is the HOP, take it to a convo or change the subject. <.<


Yes, I like Divya's law. But what about the SS law?



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Please don't edit your post to better fit your argument and act like you didn't. So drop it.




What's your problem with me Jhon? You're acting as though I said something against the government. And I didn't know that the IC were thinking of it, cause I'm not part of the god darn IC.

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