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Ummmm, Ryan probably checked her profile or just asked her. :laughingsmiley:


Ryan, why are you on at that time? :rolleyes_anim:


Or did he? Cause I know something you don't.


And it's because he's on all day during the weekends. I'm on all day every day.


Yes CAV, you know that I have an amazing memory and saw it on her profile a while back. :rolleyes_anim: I remember important stuff. -shrug-


What CAV said. I have no life on the weekends. xD



ROFL @ Revenge. xD


Lol Revenge!


Important stuff? :rolleyes_anim:


But I do! I am going biking with my buddies soon.


You all get a cookie!! :O *hands everyone a cookie with extra chocolate-chip*

Ryan gets the biggest one though. :P


And, it's 5th September today!! Teacher's day in India. :D


*hugtackles Ani*


Hi all! ^_^ I'm gonna have to lurk today, 'cuz I just realized how much homework I have. x_x I'm working on a 35 question study guide now. So far I have... 3 done.


EDIT: *frowns at Ryan* Meaniepants. You should've shared that cookie.


*gets hugtackled* I love your hugtackles, livvy. :P


35 questions? x_x Wow.


And, don't you guys have Teacher's Day? :O Wow. India is epic.


I have a play tomorrow. <_< *mumble* *mumble* I haven't memorized the lines yet.


We have teacher's week in america...I have no clue when it is though.


I have a play tomorrow. <_< *mumble* *mumble* I haven't memorized the lines yet.

:ohno: Oh no! How many lines do you have to memorize?


@Noog: Wait, we do?


Hi Noog! ^_^ haven't talked to you in days.


@Livvy - The lines ... they are in Hindi. D: I am not very good at Hindi. But I had to take part in this play. Either was this, or School Parade. <_<


What's the play about? Is it one of those cheesy school pep rally plays? Or a real play? What's your role? I'm all curious now.


It's funny how it's teacher's day in the weekend. We still don't get homework until the week after next. :P


And I'd rather be in the parade, then I could hide in a huge crowd instead of having to appear on stage.


The play is kind of boring. :/ I am playing the role of Alka. I haven't completely gone through the script yet. The lines are in pure Hindi. I can't read a word!! D:


@Revenge - I don't like Parade. They make you practice 24/7. :sad01_anim:


But parades can be all hot and sweaty and crowded. The stage is probably air conditioned and less crowded. (*mumbles* Not that it does any good to have air conditioning if the elementary group you allow to borrow your theater decides to leave ALL the lights on over the weekend... <_<)


EDIT: How are you supposed to perform if you don't know what the lines are saying?


I don't know. I know 60% of the lines. But the last one where Jay runs away and my in-play-father writes a letter to the police, I don't get the lines. Plus, I still have 8 hours to practice ... maybe?


o_O So... what's the premise of this play? It sounds interesting.


Also, I keep hearing this french song in the background of a commercial, and I can understand part of it, but it doesn't make sense. At first I could have sworn it said "You have cheese." Now I've figured out that it says "Eat a slice of my cheese." Which doesn't make any more sense! :S *is confused*


EDIT: Apparently I'm very good at killing the chat. Oops. =\ LIVE, CHAT! LIIIIIVE!


Ok ok.


So... How was everyones Summer? I'm going back to school on the 8th and I'm picking up my schedule on the 7th.

Currently trying to get as much as I can done before school starts. :T


School still hasn't started for you? Wow, y'all start late. We started... like a month ago. Err... 3 weeks. I think. Does your school district abide by the rule of not starting before labor day?


My school abides by that. But we dont get many breaks during the school year...so I guess it makes sense.


School still hasn't started for you? Wow, y'all start late. We started... like a month ago. Err... 3 weeks. I think. Does your school district abide by the rule of not starting before labor day?

Probably. School has always started in September for me.

I can't imagine going to school when it's so hot outside.

How's school for you so far?

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