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Giovanni Gale

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Cairo is the king of cat attitudes. He's friendly, in that, he likes being in the same room as everyone else. But DON'T try to pet him. He does not like that unless he deems you worthy. And that's deemed on a situational basis.

My friends cat is like that and I really didn't want him to deem me worthy because I'm quite allergic but of course he seems to know that and have a need to be all over me. Seriously, he was rubbing himself all over me and trying to lay on my feet belly up for a belly rub then sat on the pillow next to my head so I had to move. <_< He seriously doesn't let anyone near him usually.

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Maybe he's getting back at your sister for hating you when you were younger?


I can't carry my cats. It's not that they won't let me so much as they're just HUGE. It's like carrying a toddler infant-style. It doesn't really work.


She used to follow him around, picking him up when he was a kitten, because he looked just like her cat did at that age.


Cairo is small. He's large size-wise, but not weight. He's about 10-11 lbs. Rio (My sister's cat) used to weight about 20. He was huge.


My friends cat is like that and I really didn't want him to deem me worthy because I'm quite allergic but of course he seems to know that and have a need to be all over me. Seriously, he was rubbing himself all over me and trying to lay on my feet belly up for a belly rub then sat on the pillow next to my head so I had to move. <_< He seriously doesn't let anyone near him usually.


Cairo is the same way. My mom's brother is allergic. And when he would come by to visit, 2 minutes after he sat down, Cairo would be in his lap. Cats are weird that way.

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@Wembly: He senses your fear. :evil:


My cousin is also allergic to cats. I don't know if I could survive if I were. I'd be the crazy cat person who keeps cats despite their being terrible for me. :P


@Spritz: All my cats are huge. Our smallest is something like 16 pounds.

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Cairo has always been more on the thin side. Because he's half tabby, half Manx, he's larger, size wise. And his back legs, are longer than his front legs. (Which is amusing when he runs. He looks like a little monkey.) And he has trouble stopping, so he kind of, slides sideways. :laughingsmiley:

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That's adorable, Spritzie! :laughingsmiley: (The stopping method.)


My 16-pounder is actually the longest of the three. She's a good four feet when she stretches out. But when she curls up, she's tiny!

HunHun was supposed to be small - both of her parents were small fluffy cats - but she turned out big just like the rest of ours. She's more pudgy than long though. And her tail is two vertebrae short. :laughingsmiley:

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When my sister got married, they got a cat. Then we had to take him for awhile, because when they divorced, her roommate already had the max pets. We had him for 9 months, and I got super attached. I begged my parents until they let me get one after she took him back.

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My grandpa named it cinnamon because it's a brown dog of...some...sort. I really don't know :/ It's large.


I don't like having pets because they're like friends. But then imagine that you had a friend that you knew only had 8 or so years to live :/ It's just...almost sad.


Plus there's all the costs of owning a pet.

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You must steal him back, Spritzie! :O


I do see what you're saying, Noog. My cats (two of them) are 10 years old. They've got maybe 5-8 more years to live. And when they do go, it's going to be really rough for me. I love them like little brothers, and you just can't replace that. :crying: *huggles HunHun sadly*

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You'd have to do better than that to ruin the HOP Noog.


Today we had a huge rain storm hit. It was drizzling, then you could see a wall of rain blowing towards then road, then BAM it hit. It was crazy. You could see the rain hitting in waves.

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I don't think that it's actually raining now. Really weird, especially since the thunder stopped. We're supposed to get bad rain tomorrow, which will be nice. I don't know why but I read better when it's raining outside.


730 pages. 4 days. I hate you summer reading WITH A PASSION.


actually, today was one of those 4 days and I only read 50.

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