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Giovanni Gale

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LAURA IS BACK! lmaosmiley.gif <== (My actual face right now)


Laura is back. :mellow: (my face right now, don't know her very much too be super excitied)


Mine either. My grandpa died, my grandma has had two hearts attacks (they can't find a reason for either), I've been used at least twice, didn't kiss the girl I said I would cause of another girl (who I have yet to see again), I can't find the guts to ask out this amazing girl who likes me back, and most of the other girls I like have moved on to other guys.


Not to mention just overall 2010 sucking with: my dad having a heart attack, my cousin havbing a stroke, my friend having her baby 7 weeks early, and my multiple injuries and bullying I get daily.


I think I need an anti-depressant. -sigh-


I thought my summer was terrible, but this makes my summer look like the best of all time. I am so sorry for your losses.


As for the girl that likes you back, just walk up to her, start a conversation, and see where it goes.

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HAHAHA! First day of school and one of the kids I hate most in school who is a total jerk and messed with me on every opportunity got held back a year! xDDD And I got all nice teachers this year. :O



You know, recently i've figured something out, stop caring at all and just go for it. Be bold and try not to think too much before you do something that could embarass you! I recently started doing this and life hasn't been too bad lately. :O

Seriously dude, do what CAV said, it actually works. :O



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I have one that I wrote for the class, that I thought was pretty good. But it wasn't amazing. It was just good for me.


I'd love to see some of yours, Laura. I'll have to peek at that link in your signature.

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Haha, Spritzie, that hasn't been updated in a while. You'd be better off just going to my deviantART. Although.... I don't want to directly link it, just to be extra safe. For content, you know. Not like I'm posting horrible things there, but there may be a swear here and there.


Hush, Will. You know nothing. :P

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Hush, Will. You know nothing. :P

Okay, but I still think they're good :P

When I read poems, I listen to the "voice" the writer has (also known as their style of writing), and I like your voice.


I've always enjoyed fiction writing too much too focus on much else. I've always loved it. I used to write "Magic School Bus" stories when I was little.

Really? I used to love those shows as a kid (I originally typed "I used to love those kids as a show" o_O)

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The Magic School Bus show was awesome. I found out about it when I was in middle school, but I got out of school so late, I missed half. When I went to HS and got out early enough, they only aired in on Mondays. Then it was gone. :( It was so awesome.

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I've always enjoyed fiction writing too much too focus on much else. I've always loved it. I used to write "Magic School Bus" stories when I was little.


I loved all the Magic School Bus books! I think I read all of them in elementary/middle school. I watched the show sometimes too, but the books were the best. I was also a huge fan of Bill Nye. I think my dad kinda looks like him.


I always hated writing poetry for school assignments because they had so many rules. There are a couple of them that I like though.



aw, bye CAV. We'll miss you. :yes: Congrats on the post.

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