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Giovanni Gale

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Lol, 5 points? They started us at 15 back in 2nd grade I think it was. o.o

And last year some kids got up to 100, now that we have english instead of language arts though we don't do AR testing anymore...

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You're so lucky to have that system, Noog. So incredibly lucky. You don't have to write an essay on it either, do you?


Grr, there was supposed to be a drama meeting today and my phone didn't wake me up until 20 minutes before the meeting, so I missed any chance to get a ride. D= So now I have to hope someone bothers to bring me the script, if I have a role at all.


EDIT: Mass-ninja'd. This is what happens when you forget you're posting in the middle of posting.

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Lol, 5 points? They started us at 15 back in 2nd grade I think it was. o.o

And last year some kids got up to 100, now that we have english instead of language arts though we don't do AR testing anymore...


lol, yeah. It was 5 points in 4th grade.


Last year the award for most AR points was given to someone with 300 or so.

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300? Dangit, I wish we still had AR, I could so beat that! :O

Wait, do you guys start over with your goal every quarter?


We have one goal a school year.


The points are tracked until the next school year.

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I have until monday to read eragon....


Erogon is good. Eldest is also very good, except for the part where they described EVERYTHING about the Elves.


The movie had good special effects, but other than that it was ok at best. I kinda wish they continued making movies for the whole series. They can improve over time.

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Oh, seriously? We restarted every quarter. If that's the case then I already beat that kid last year by about 150 points. xD


Yeah, but the 300 point person didn't have any goals above 18 points. :P You had goals constantly keeping you reading. This person didn't even HAVE to take any AR tests.

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*pokes board*


So I keep not posting 'cuz I'm afraid that when I do, someone's going to ninja me, since that happens a lot when I space out in the middle of a post. But I've done that three times now and no one's posted! =0


When we still had AR, we reset our goals every semester. In elementary school I almost always surpassed my goal, but in middle school I didn't have as much time to read as I used to. =\ And now in high school we don't have the AR system at all.


On a totally unrelated note, I just figured out that I can sing Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley. Woah. :O

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We got out early!!! :D


Bye! Have Fun :P


My economics teacher taught the class how to get out of jury duty legally :P

haha. Wow, that's special.


The second or third week after I started my new job last year, I had jury duty. But I fell in the stand-by group. So I didn't even have to go in.


See you later, Liz.

I've had it twice before. (crazy, huh?) I seem to always get picked after I vote - I vote for everything I can. I was dismissed the first time and then in standby and not called in the second. I know one of them is for the city - I forget what the other was for. This current one is for the county.


On a totally unrelated note, I just figured out that I can sing Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley. Woah. :O

*looks up song*

There are a lot of songs called Hallelujah.


We had a reading system kind of like that in middle school, but we had to read a book in a certain level based on a test. Because I tested into the top reading comprehension group (high school seniors or whatever) I could only read books like Jane Eyre, Moby puppyblew, Dickens novels, Wuthering Heights etc. to count towards my total. My friends got to read tiny paperbacks though. :P (I read Jane Eyre because it's not as long as some of the others.)

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*looks up song*

There are a lot of songs called Hallelujah.


We had a reading system kind of like that in middle school, but we had to read a book in a certain level based on a test. Because I tested into the top reading comprehension group (high school seniors or whatever) I could only read books like Jane Eyre, Moby puppyblew, Dickens novels, Wuthering Heights etc. to count towards my total. My friends got to read tiny paperbacks though. :P (I read Jane Eyre because it's not as long as some of the others.)

There really are. If you didn't find it, it's this one. It's not a terribly difficult song, until you go up an octave for soprano range. x_x


I recall them trying a system like that sometime in late elementary school. It didn't work out too well.


EDIT: And I'm glad I'm not the only one who spaces out in the middle of posting. :P

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Oh is that the Hallelujah that Rufus Wainwright sings in Shrek? I know that one pretty well. (I can't hear very well where I am - I'm at a sandwich shop.)



I totally space out in the middle of posting too. Or, sometimes I'll start a post and get distracted on another tab and realized that I never finished the post. :laughingsmiley:

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Mhm, it's one of the apparently two Hallelujah's from Shrek. :yes: It's a gorgeous song.


That's what usually happens to me. I'll be posting and then get distracted by a nonogram or something on YouTube. :P

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It's still happening but it's not lasting for multipe hours like before.


Was anyone else able to get here but the pages wee all messed up and everything was super slow? I had just gotten to the HOP when it got fixed ad I was like "YAY! THE PAGE IS NORMAL AGAIN!"





-clings to HOP- STOP DOING THAT, TDN! T-T -slaps TDN-

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