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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Y'know, as long as the laptop stays under 100 degrees Celcius, it's okay. The highest mine's ever gotten was 87, and that was from playing an MMORPG. Normally, it stays under 50 (which is actually still pretty hot - 122 degrees Fahrenheit :P)

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I don't have a cooling pad. It's never really been a problem for me. And I don't usually tend to put my laptop on my lap :P


If you have a Mac, I'd recommend installing the iStat Pro widget. It lets you monitor the temperature of various parts of the computer and see how fast your fan's spinning too (mine tends to stay at 2000 rpm o_O).


Haha congrats Noog :P

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Thanks Master Will :mellow:


I don't have a Mac. I like it more than windows/microsoft, but they charge WAY too much. I would never save up enough of my own money for one.

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