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Well, I couldn't just leave you in there. I'd have to finish cleaning up later! I don't know why you young'uns can't clean up after yourselves... *wanders away mumbling about kids these days*


EDIT: *tweaks JB's wiring* You saw nothing.


Weird, I just had this strange dream where I saw nothing. But then it changed to me remembering that I saw someone that I shouldn't of. Odd...


-Shoots you with lazer gun until theres nothing left but scraps of metal- Still remember seeing something?


I think I remember thinking about remembering seeing something.

It's cool how I turned in to a robot though. Or maybe I already was one...:questionmark:


This conversation has suddenly taken a turn for the very odd. o_O


I said you saw nothing.


That's what happens when someone d-Start glowing and shaking violently because CAV turned on the chair-


Don't worry Livvy, the torture is in our private convo (PM).


But if you're gonna yell, then I guess I can do the torture here.


Oi! *cleans up JB scraps* Ryan, don't you start making messes here too! I work very hard to keep this topic looking nice... *mumbles more*


:offtopic: Last time I checked, this is the HOP, not the Full Out War topic.


I'm making some techno beats :D Anyone like techno music?


I really doesn't make a difference to me what kind of music it is.

And for your information, this is subbing as Full-out War as it's experiencing technical difficulties.


JB you can't just make this thread the full out war.


It's not like it wasn't in your control. You had 3 weeks to bump up the full out war and no one made a post.


HOP, talk about everything. This falls under everything.


And Ryan isn't fighting back, so it's not a war.


ANNNNNNND, the war topic died and is locked.


Buuuuuuut, I'm off to remake that topic.


*raises hand* I like techno music!


Wait, there's another page. Hm. This'll probably WAY off topic when I read the next page. :P


EDIT: Meh, no real topic change since then. Okay.


No Livvy, we can talk about techno music.


Keep your war off of this topic JB and CAV. This is the last time I will say it. You are allowed to do this in a PM or through recreating the topic.


Yes, its back.


Techno music is great because you can dance to it even if you can't dance. Just grooving along to it makes you look cool :P

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