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Giovanni Gale

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Oh and grammar typos bug me sometimes too... like using "it's" when it's supposed to be "its." Some sentences are funny if you make the contraction "it is" when someone meant to write its. It also bugs me when the wrong "there," "their," or "they're" is used.


I guess I'm a little picky about that sometimes. :whistle:

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Naah, it's not a bad thing :P


I swear everyday she told us how each "there" was suppossed to be used. She probably thought my whole class was dumb.

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They have the trailer out already? Man, and to think I haven't seen any of the movies since the third one. :(


Yes the trailer is out. Here it is:



I've seen all movies, I own all movies, and I own all the books. I'm a nerd I know.

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I wish I read all the books. I only got up to the third book and I stopped because I couldn't get through it.


..and I accidently ripped the cover, so I wasn't allowed to use my brothers book any more -.-

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Ugh, I can't stand the Harry Potter movies. The book series was 99% amazing. (The missing 1% was that she

killed Remus and one of the twins.

) But the movies are so off from the actual books. It's really disappointing. :sad01_anim:

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Half Blood Prince recived critical acclaim, and is considered the best summer blockbuster from 2009. It was also the highest grossing movie of 2009 until Avatar was released. Half Blood Prince is also said to be the best one in the series, and I couldn't agree more.


I like both the books and movies. Try to note that it's hard to fit the entire book into 2 hours of film, so they have to cut parts out. They go for the most important parts. And since there's so much to explain from Deathly Hallows, they have to make 2 parts, adding to a total of 4-5 hours of movie goodness.

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Half Blood Prince recived critical acclaim, and is considered the best summer blockbuster from 2009. It was also the highest grossing movie of 2009 until Avatar was released. Half Blood Prince is also said to be the best one in the series, and I couldn't agree more.


I like both the books and movies. Try to note that it's hard to fit the entire book into 2 hours of film, so they have to cut parts out. They go for the most important parts. And since there's so much to explain from Deathly Hallows, they have to make 2 parts, adding to a total of 4-5 hours of movie goodness.


At least they aren't making it into one whole movie. I don't think people could sit for that long, I know I couldn't.

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Nah, if they made just one movie, they'd cut so much it'd be complete crap to moviegoers and HP fans.


I like the movies I saw. But for the same reason as the line above, I'm unsure if I'd enjoy the 5th or 6th movies. I really got into those books.

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The Azkaban movie bugged me, so I didn't see any others. I liked the books though. I can't believe the movies came out so quickly, but I guess that needed to be done so that kids wouldn't look too old. :laughingsmiley:

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I liked one through three of the Harry Potter movies, but the 4th had nothing that I could actually remember from the book. The 5th was waaaaaaayyyyyyyyy off to me :whistle: and the 6th sucked cause of the ending. You could see it coming.


As for the 7th moive I will definitely go see it, but I don't have my hopes up :tired:


If only directors got movies just like the books :sigh:


EDIT: 500th post :D

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I enjoy fantasy. And I thought the books were very well written. (Unlike a certain other popular series... <_< )


I'll go see the 7th movie if someone invites me to see it with them, but I'm not going to make any special effort to go. I saw the one with the Tri-Wizard Cup (I don't remember which that was; it's been so long.) and I was disgusted how un-like the book it was.

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I've never read the books either. The only fantasy thing I've seen, is Lord of the Rings, and only the first one, so far. After I see them all, my husband wants me to read the books.

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Gaaah i had to read the first Lord of the Rings in THIRD GRADE! I was such an avid reader that year, trying to make it to 500 points for a trophy. I read about every book at my library there that year, so I've just gotten progressively back into reading. And now I'm in the 8th grade :P Plus I only finished with 483 points :crying:

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I read a LOT at work. I've gone through all my favorite authors. (I finally caught up with Clive Cussler.) I've read all Steve Martini, Brad Meltzer, Lisa Scottoline. I've read Matthew Reilly's Jack West Jr. series. All of Lincoln Child. I've been running out of good authors/books.


Right now, I'm reading The Judas Strain by James Rollins.


And I discovered a really good new series (TSI) but so far there's only 2 books. (TSI The Gabon Virus. And TSI Influenza Bomb.)

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