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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I'm doing quite well, thanks. ^_^ Bit of a headache, but I'm sure that'll clear up as soon as I eat something.


Yup, we're in the same time zone. :yes: 'cuz you live in... omgoodness! You live in the same state as Will! :O ... *jealous*

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Hey everyone! I am so bored...Been up since 5 am for some reason. Maybe I was having nightmares of my Neopets starving to death, idk. :)


How is everyone today?

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As I said, I'm doing well. I was up 'til about 4, myself. I tried going to sleep at 12, which is 2 hours earlier than I have in a while, and ended up unable to fall asleep until 2 hours later than usual. Last time I try that. :laughingsmiley:


Oh! And now that you're here, you can keep Divya from being lonely while I run and take a quick shower. 'kay? 'kay. :yes:

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Bleh, i'm not gonna have much time here today because my friends kitchen is gonna be used for some cooking show and they have to come here since there can't be any noise while they're filming the show. <.<


-reads page-

Divya, go stalk Will! :O

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Cool and aw at the same time. -Wanted Divya to stalk Will-



Well, my dad won't wake up for more than 30 seconds and my mom can't stop crying(grandma died and they've already cremated her and are getting rid of EVERYTHING she owned)...

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Oh my. That is bad. :( *hugs Ryan* There, go give one to your mother. She probably needs it.


I'm sure they'll be understanding about family issues. How long will they be over?

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Edit: Thank you @ Livvy and Sammy. ^^


Yeah... =/

I already have. smile_anim.gif Since my dads not awake I just spent the last 30 min or so talking to her. My therapist skills need some work. o.o


I'm not sure, over an hour though. We'll probably be back in my room most of the time though. One of my friends is obsessed with video games and is dying to use my X-box. smile_anim.gif



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You live in the same state as Will! :O ... *jealous*


And no one lives where I do. I feel unique, since when people have questions about NY, they come to me, but sometimes I feel lonely.

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Just feel unique. Leave out the lonely. :yes:


Ryan, I can tutor you in therapist skills! Alright, here are the basics:

1. Listen 4 times more than you talk.

2. Use your face. It can convey sympathy, mild outrage, or simply that you care. But avoid pity, anger, or disappointment.

3. Understanding, not advice.

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Hm, if that's what you're supposed to do, the only thing i'm not doing right is the face thing. Hm...

Thank-you Livvy. ^^



I'm pretty sure she dosen't live in the same part as you though, CAV. :yes:

Unless you live by a beach...

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@Divya: Really? That's pretty snazzy.


@Ryan: In this case, the most important thing is for her to know you care. Losing a grandparent isn't the same as losing a parent, but you've both shared a loss.

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Ohmygosh I forgot to say I am sorry Ryan!!!!! I really hope that your mom feels better and I hope that you are ok. *sends hug to Arizona along with piece of mushed up blueberry pie*

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