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Giovanni Gale

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Yup, a snow-Livvy. Almost as adorable as the person who made it. :rolleyes_anim: Haha.


Woah, snow tunnels? That's so cool! :O Will, I'm coming over this winter and you're gonna show me how to make a snow tunnel, 'kay? 'kay.

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Well it was definitely easier as a little kid, but with a foot or so it should work, but the space will be a bit more limited. I live on a cul-de-sac, so when the snow plowers come by, they push all the snow in front of people's lawns. A foot should be enough to create a sizable mountain of snow :D

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The one. With the name. And the towns. And cities. And those trees! Plus, a state capital!


Sorry, I don't feel comfortable giving out where I reside on the internet! :*

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Way to avoid the three-word-too-short "Where do you live?" :P *applauds*


We never get snow, and if we do it's like an inch. That 8 inches was incredible this winter.


EDIT: Oh yeah, the one with the trees! I totally know what you're talking about. b)

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Haha it's cool that you don't want to tell us. I was just wondering if the snowing two years in a row thing was significant or not.

Or maybe I was trying to move onto Part VI of Plan J :shiftyeyes_anim:


Way to avoid the three-word-too-short "Where do you live?" :P *applauds*

Why thank you *bows*

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It's perfectly understandable to not want to give out your locality. ;) In fact, it's a good idea not to. I'm usually pretty careful about the information I give out on the internet. But I mean, I've already given you guys my real name, and it's an odd one, so if you really really wanted to find me, you probably could.


EDIT: No, don't reveal Plan J! :O Besides, I'm not done cleaning up after part V yet. :shiftyeyes_anim:

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Not necessarily. Maybe he lives in Rhode Island or something. Then we could just take a day and walk around to every house and ask if it belongs to a guy who likes weasels and wants to be a doctor. :P

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xD Nice one. That made me grin.


I say we start on the inland side, with the odd-numbered houses. That way, if we don't find him, we'll still end up at a beach. b) (Rhode Island has a beach, right? :worried: I mean, I assume it does, but you'd also assume it's an island, which it's kind of not.)


Also, I love how we're just running back and forth between two topics. :P

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Haha yeah, you really have to wonder how they came up with Rhode Island.


I had to stop myself from asking Doc if there were any good beaches on Rhode Island. I just remembered he didn't actually live there xD

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Hahaha. :P Silly Will.


I'm curious now. You never hear of people going to Rhode Island for the beaches, but if they're kind of a not-really-island, surely there are some.


EDIT: Welcome back, Tyler!


EDIT2: Sorry to skip out on y'all, especially since you jsut got back, Tyler, but I've really gotta go to sleep. G'night! :D

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Hey everyone.

I joined a few weeks ago but didn't have long to chat before I went on vacation, so I'm not expecting anyone to remember me, haha.


So uhh, hi. I'm Iona. :)

How is everyone?

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