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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Haha. Hey Doc, if you had to choose one...would it be wings? or gills/fins? I think I'd go with the wings personally.


And yeah, I guess I could get to a good point by the end of the summer, but you guys know that I have fairly inconsistent relationship with Neopets. :laughingsmiley:

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Hah. Even just in the last week, there have been so many times where I just look at something (like the Grand Canyon) And I'm like...man. I wish I could fly.

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I know. Flying would be awesome. Then again, I'm not really that much of a swimmer (I've never been on swim team), so I don't really think swimming is that cool. *shrugs*

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Id go to Japan. And sit on the Arch in St.Louis. Fly up Mt. Everest. Chase roller coasters as they went along their tracks, and the sort like that :laughingsmiley:

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I dunno which one I read...it was free as an app for a little, and I just read it on my phone. It was pretty good. not my normal type of book, but still good.

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That is the rather unfortunate thing about learning another language. If you don't use it, you loose it sadly. I haven't had a spanish class in 6 years and I think I've lost most of it by now, though admittedly I was never very good.

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