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Giovanni Gale

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Really? What about sleep?! You forgot sleep! Sleep is the biggest part of my life which is why I am not up all night on TDN like some people...


EDIT: SS, yes we are! And I need to refresh more...

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I haven't had grapes in a while...


-Looks at users reading topic- Yay! All 3 of us are here again. ^^




Really? What about sleep?! You forgot sleep! Sleep is the biggest part of my life which is why I am not up all night on TDN like some people...

I may or may not do this commonly. -Points at people I usually blame-

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I like frozen grapes. Has anyone ever tried them? *pops one into mouth* Mmmmmm.


EDIT: Points at....? I know Anisha is one of them. :laughingsmiley:

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Frozen? Ew. o.o

Hm... Is there grape flavoured ice cream? o.o


Ah. -hides from tornados- We don't get alot of them here, fortunatley...



Edit: True. Also, there's Adis, CAV, Tyler, occasionally Aidan, Noog, ect...

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Frozen? Ew. o.o

Hm... Is there grape flavoured ice cream? o.o


Ah. -hides from tornados- We don't get alot of them here, fortunatley...



Edit: True. Also, there's Adis, CAV, Tyler, occasionally Aidan, Noog, ect...


Ahhhh you always insult every single food I like.

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An inactive trio you say? *is excited for when Spritzie and Anisha come on so that she can tell them this*


Fine. I hate grape flavored ice cream if it exists! :P

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Hey, our convo was just revived thank-you-very-much! :P So you will be telling Spritzie and Anisha nothing. :P


I do too actually... Hm... I like cashews! Insult that. :yes:

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Hey, our convo was just revived thank-you-very-much! :P So you will be telling Spritzie and Anisha nothing. :P


I do too actually... Hm... I like cashews! Insult that. :yes:


Haha. Me and Spritzie and Anisha are a very active trio thank-you-very-much! Haha. You should see *akjhdsfafkahfkf* Shhhhhhh


I hate cashews! Ewwwwwwww! They give me a tummy ache!! :sick01:

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Well so are we now! :P

Only our trio is cooler. b)

I already did see "akjhdsfafkahfkf". It was a heartwarming movie but I still prefer the book...


Aw, but cashews are yummy! xD

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Well so are we now! :P

Only our trio is cooler. b)

I already did see "akjhdsfafkahfkf". It was a heartwarming movie but I still prefer the book...


Aw, but cashews are yummy! xD


Nope sorry! :P Ahhh you must admit, we are pretty cool! And akjhdsfafkahfkf was hiding a word which cannot be mentioned in front of non akjhdsfafkahfkf ers. :whistle:

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Maybeeeeeee...maybeeeeeee not. :laughingsmiley: I no can tell. :whistle: Nuh uhhhhhhhh we are COOLIOESTERESTIOER! What now?! :laughingsmiley: xD

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Nope sorry! :P Ahhh you must admit, we are pretty cool! And akjhdsfafkahfkf was hiding a word which cannot be mentioned in front of non akjhdsfafkahfkf ers. :whistle:


Oh, the adflkhasdlddfghdhdfd! I know what you mean :yes:


Those are just random letters Ryan. XD

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-Grabs Spritzie and throws her into our convo then locks the convo door- We have a hostage, tell us what it means. Nao. tongue.gif


And okay, that's true. But we're awsomer.



Edit: I know Noog, but i'm so bored and taking hostages is fun!

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