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Giovanni Gale

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I'd never, ever surf. I have no balance, whatsoever. I am amazed I haven't died :P


The only reason I stay at the pool so much is 'cause all my friends are there and I pay for a membership- lots of cash! :ohno:

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Hello everyone! Finally got my sleeping schedule back on track.


I guess the topic is still on sports. It swims the board has died though XD I love to swim! It's probably one of my favorite things to do during the summer.

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GEEK ALERT!! *sprays Geek-b-Gone*


I play a whole bunch of sports, but not in any actual leagues. I play soccer, baseball, basketball, volleyball, football, and more.



jealous.gif I'm a nerd, tyvm. There's a difference.



And you kept track of this, Tyler? :P

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I sprained my wrist playing volleyball. :whistle: It was pretty bad and a surprising thing considering the activity.


I crashed into a girl and got hit in the nose, but it's all good. I don't play volleyball much, for the most part my neighborhood is basketball. We're home to the classic "Kobe Bryant vs Lebron James" debate, even though we don't live in either Los Angeles or Cleveland.


i plat basketball and I surf, and I swim

I hate soccer though D:


I cannot surf. If I try, I'll fall, hit my head on my own board, and then drown due to the fact that I can't swim either.


I was the goalkeeper when I played soccer, but I had the same practice as everyone else except the free kick situation practice.


I'm terrible at goalie. I'm better as a defender.

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Ooh, surfing! I'm one of those people who says it would be really fun and cool, but put me on a board and I'd freak out and fall off, probably injuring myself. But still, I'd love to try it sometime. Unfortunately, SC isn't exactly the best surfing spot.


I've hurt myself playing volleyball. I honestly don't remember how though... Maybe it was a head injury. :P

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ahh you guys are so athletic. I'm terrible at sports. ;_; The most athletic thing I can do is run and swim. But I'll be taking swimming instead of gym next year in school, so no more Volleyball and Football yaaay.

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I'm not really the athletic type, Luciana. XD I'm the band nerd. :glasses02: We just played volleyball because we were bored.

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I am a basketball player. b) But I gave it up, the day I joined cheerleading. <_< I miss playing it. :(


I'm not really the athletic type, Luciana. XD I'm the band nerd. :glasses02: We just played volleyball because we were bored.

:O I love band geeks. I wish I was one. I love playing instruments and stuffs!! I have a guitar. b) Though I am still a rookie. :P

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Band geeks are geeks.


Hey Ruto, As I last recall, you said this to me before:


Yes, and that's how it works, unfortunately. I can confidently say this is the last time you'll see me here on TDN (I only signed in to respond to your comment :P).


But I've seen you so many times since then. What gives?

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I'm both sporty and bank geeky. I played all sports in grade school, but on actual teams, I was on a couple basketball and softball teams for school.


And band.. it's a family thing. (My dad's dad was a band director for a local HS and the US Navy. My dad's mom got scholarships for trumpet. My dad played baritone, trombone, and tuba. My mom played violin. My husband plays piano and violin.) And I play flute, piccolo, and tenor sax. I loved band. It was my absolute favorite thing ever. Now I would love to learn piano or guitar... or both.

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Is cheerleading hard? Don't you have to do a lot of flips and stuff?

Kinda. :yes: If you would get used to it, then it would be easy for you. And flips aren't compulsory. If you are good enough, and you want to, then you might first do some practice.

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Hey Ruto, As I last recall, you said this to me before:


Yes, and that's how it works, unfortunately. I can confidently say this is the last time you'll see me here on TDN (I only signed in to respond to your comment :P).


But I've seen you so many times since then. What gives?

Do you WANT her to leave? Because personally, I'm glad she decided that she liked us enough to come back. But I wouldn't count on her keeping that opinion if we make it seem like we don't want her here.

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A "flying tail" is a nicer way of saying what I wanted to say. :mellow: Insinuating that I would leave because of one person is a bit insulting, to be honest.

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