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Giovanni Gale

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Yup but now we're talking about P P P POKEMON! GO WEEPINBE OH NO!!!!!!!!!!


Just kidding :P It actually took me a while to find a pokemon that had more than 9 letters :P

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How dare you single out people with hippo....phobia. Thats discrimi NOT AGAAAAAIN! T_T


There are worse ones to joke about anyway, like the fear of bald people.

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Its not really the actual phobia, but the fact that someone is afraid of it, and someone can use it to taunt them, just blows my mind XD


Not a good example: The phobia of names: DON'T MAKE ME SAY MY NAME.

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Gahh!! I have Swimmers Ear! I'm about to chop my ear off >>


Edit: Yayay! Someone just lent me a Pirate Meowy! No coll or anything

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I've never had swimmer's ear before, but my brother has it all of the time. I want to go swimming :O


Thanks :D The lender was sort of scared to lend it to me :/.


Meh. It's not the best feeling in the world. Even if it hurts, I still go swimming, it's just too hot to not go. Um...Jump through your computer and you can go swim in my pool :D

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I'm actually out of town right now, in a hotel with an awesome pool :P


I just don't have the time to swim.


I love hotel pools :/ But you never know if someone revealed themselves int here x_x Just jump in the pool! :D

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Do you mean relieved themselves? I hate when I swallow pool water x_x


Revealing yourself in public wouldn't be a good idea :P

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On the topic of phobias: Anthrophobia is the fear of flowers. GAH! Flower! SAVE ME!!!! :laughingsmiley:


On the topic of hotel pools: They are the nicest pools ever because they are usually taken care of the most. Especially if it is in an expensive hotel. :yes:

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I can't even remember the last time I went swimming. (Not counting at the beach. And that wasn't really swimming.) On 2 cruises, I didn't even get my swimsuit out at either one. :laughingsmiley:

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Haha Spritzie. On my cruise, I hated the pool because it was SALT water instead of CHLORINE water! Yuck!


And, I won a Snorkle Snout from the Wishing Well!! Yay! For anyone who wants to know, I donated 50 np a day. :yes:

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The water was sooo salty and it got into my eyes and EVERYWHERE!!! It was supposed to be good for your skin or something, but I hated it.


You will get something, Anisha! You definitely will!


Hmmmm..I think it took me only about 2-3 weeks. Not bad, eh?

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The water was sooo salty and it got into my eyes and EVERYWHERE!!! It was supposed to be good for your skin or something, but I hated it.


You will get something, Anisha! You definitely will!

Ew, I can imagine. I mistakenly drank salty sea water. I was like, "Ew!! This tastes like sea food!!" :laughingsmiley:


I definitely will. This is my 2nd week!! ^_^

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I live near sea beaches, and I go there like every weekend. You can imagine, how many I have done that.


It is an awesome way to keep the bank balance high. :laughingsmiley:

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I prefer going to the beach. (I've only been a couple times in my life.) But I don't like swimming. I'd rather walk near the shore, where it's about up to my knees. In Mexico/Cali last year, the water was too cold. Especially in Long Beach. It was freezing. Where as the water in the Bahamas in 08 was nice.


I'm still trying for a Snorkle Snout. I've been doing it for probably 3+ weeks now, and nothing. But I know I'll get something eventually.

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