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I want to be there when a doctor tells a patient that he has it. It must be so traumatizing.

Or this situation:


Teacher: Today I will give you your essay topics.

Adam(Boy with hippo): Aww not another assignment.

Teacher: Adam, yours is antidisestablishmentarianism.

Adam: x_x


With Detective Livvy assisting! *pulls brim of detective hat lower over eyes and strikes a pose*


EDIT: I feel so bad for Adam. D=


That poor boy. x_x Teacher should give him an assignment on cats.


If I had that phobia, I would hand my teachers a note on the first day and hope that they weren't mean.


That would be a good idea, Link. Unless you had teachers like the social studies teachers at my school, who all seem to be a bit sadistic.


EDIT: You know what I just realized? Spelling bees would be like a haunted house to hippo...phobes.


Exactly, Tyler. That's the whole point. But like I said, there is a shorter word for it. I just don't remember it.


I wonder if they have novels that cater to that and have really small words :P Like a children's book with a better plot.


Hahaha, I want to find one of these books. I wonder what the letter cut-off is before it becomes a big word.


Have you ever heard of the book that has no e's in it? Its a really long novel and the whole thing doesn't have the letter E.


I can't imagine writing without it. There's too many words that use it, sounded out or silent.


it could be 10

Person 1: They are anonymous

Person 2: oh okay

Person 1: I think it's affordable

Person 2: AHHHHH


Ten is probably a bit creepy, but not scary. I would actually put the cut off at six. The biggest word would be something like police.


Yeah! I researched those a while ago! They're called lipograms. There was a german guy who hated the letter R so much that he wouldn't use it in any of his writing, including his own name.


EDIT: But there are so many words that go just above six letters. Like letters. That's seven! I would put the cut-off at something like 9. The longest word would be something.


Someone is going to be crazy enough to read that and write a story with the 9 letter cut off. XD


lol. RANDOM IDEA: TDN is now Hippo......phobia friendly!!!! New revamped game guides! and battle help thing!


*laughs hysteric... loudly at Link's post*


Nope, neopoints is just under the letter cut-off. :P


We need new department names. The Customize thing and that battle help place.


Oh wow. You guys have funny conversations, which I loled to.


You mean......latin?


Gosh tyler you need to be more specific! XD

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