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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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I mean, people do that here too, but it's not necessarily normal... I think dating when you're that young is silly, because you can't exactly "go out" anywhere. It's more of "let's hold hands in the hallway, hehe!"

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I mean, people do that here too, but it's not necessarily normal... I think dating when you're that young is silly, because you can't exactly "go out" anywhere. It's more of "let's hold hands in the hallway, hehe!"

Overall, I don't believe in young love.

But what you said is absolutely true. :laughingsmiley: The only possible things they can do, is hold hands and share chocolates.


don't worry, there are kids like that here too, it's worrying how that's the only thing almost all the people in all my classes talk about

My class is worse than that. I can't believe ... <_<

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It's cute for really really young kids, then it gets to the point where I see them and I think "You're 11. You have a boyfriend. I'm 17. I have guy friends. What's wrong with this picture?"

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Oh you sappy boys. ;) Has anyone seen Valentines Day? I know it is a couple months old, but it was HILARIOUS! That had humor.


I hate that movie.


I'm 13. Tyler, you're 11? I thought you were 12.


My birthday's October 3rd. Just felt like throwing that out there :whistle:


I only cried during M&M, never at any other movies.


I never had a true girlfriend.

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Hm... it seems our younger members aren't comfortable with us old folks commenting on *grabs cane* these young'uns and their girlfriends... they don't know what love is! Why, when I was your age, we actually went out on our dates! *rambles in old lady voice*


:P Anywho, what would you like to change the topic to, young'uns?


EDIT: Mrr, ninja'd. Mine's January 21. Feel free to forget. =]

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It's like dominoes. I'm the oldest founder of HAMS.

In case of members, Cornflakes is the oldest. 0:) ... I guess? :eh:


Hm... it seems our younger members aren't comfortable with us old folks commenting on *grabs cane* these young'uns and their girlfriends... they don't know what love is! Why, when I was your age, we actually went out on our dates! *rambles in old lady voice*


:P Anywho, what would you like to change the topic to, young'uns?


EDIT: Mrr, ninja'd. Mine's January 21. Feel free to forget. =]

Bah. I started dating when I was 13.5, nearly 14. My first date, was the worst date of my life. <_<


P.S. Change of topic!! :laughingsmiley:


:O I will remember that! *adds on friend's birthday chart list*

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Um... umm... I was totally about to say something, and I've completely forgotten what it was. o_O




Oh well.


So, does anyone here like to write or draw?

Short time memory loss? :laughingsmiley:


And I like to write. :yes: Too un-talented and impatient to draw.

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I like to write. I would like to draw, but I'm not very good at it. I can ink though. (Inking = tracing over pencil drawings with ink.) It's more difficult than it sounds, because you have to determine which pencil strokes are important, which are extraneous, and which are shading. And it has to look natural. It's tough.

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my drawings never look like what they're supposed to be

I don't like drawing. But I liked coloring when I was in kindergarten. My mom bought me a set of crayons, and I was so happy to get those.


*sigh* Good old days. ^_^

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Everyone I'm back! I just spent maybe 1-2 hours on a board...and the lender left! I don't think he even lent anyone!

I'm 18, going to be 19 on Nov 17! :D


Edit: Didn't know we were talking about writing/drawing XD. I like to write.

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I wrote a novel once

it failed


I wrote a horror story once.

It was a huge success in my school.


I'm a good writer, but I'm too lazy to do it. When I write, it's because it's for school.


I suck at drawing.

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Everyone I'm back! I just spent maybe 1-2 hours on a board...and the lender left! I don't think he even lent anyone!

I'm 18, going to be 19 on Nov 17! :D

Welcome back -your name here-! ^_^ Sorry, don't know your name. :P


Aw, the lender left? Sorry about that.


P.S. I am turning 16 this year. Yusss!! :laughingsmiley:

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Welcome back -your name here-! ^_^ Sorry, don't know your name. :P


Aw, the lender left? Sorry about that.


P.S. I am turning 16 this year. Yusss!! :laughingsmiley:


XD. It's fine. I'm Adis. Pretty sure not alot of people know who I am.

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Yes Anisha, this year. Not yet. :P



Like I said, mine is on October 3rd. I say that so you all can give me presents.

Okay, i'll go shopping right now. I wonder if Staples or CVS has cheaper paper clips...

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I was one of the cool kids with the 264 color box of crayons. b)

I liked tracing when I was little. I guess some things never change.

264 colors? :laughingsmiley: Wow. My set of crayons are only of 120. Nevertheless, I love them. :wub_anim:


XD. It's fine. I'm Adis. Pretty sure not alot of people know who I am.

Sorry, never really chatted with you. I will remember that. :yes:


P.S. My name's Anisha. ^_^

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