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Giovanni Gale

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Ahh. Well that successfully conveys the area. ;)


I just noticed the fear of water where you can't see shore. I fear water where you can't see bottom. But my actual fear is the CREATURES in the water where you can't see bottom.

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It's too expensive for me to fly. Last time I did I was 5 and it was to Canada. I like Canada...

Flying is common for me, but I suffer from Air Sickness. :sick01: All the time, poor me. :(


Okay, Ani! I'll try it! Haha.


I don't fear heights. I fear falling. I actually enjoy heights. But falling terrifies me. I can't even do high diving boards 'cuz you have to fall to get to the water. I could stand up there all day though.

Sure. :laughingsmiley: And hey, I like the name Ani.


high Diving boards are awesome! :O I have tried it once or twice.

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Lulz, i'm weird. I'm deeply afraid of people but I love public speaking. I'm afraid of heights, but unlike Livvy I actually like falling(Don't know why but for some reason I enjoy the moment of after you jump off of something or are on something a little high-up and slip). The idea of death dosen't scare me at all but I fear living because it's too unpredictable. Fear my oddness? o.o'


And i'm sorry about you having air sickness, Anisha. :(

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I actually have a fear of all bugs. Even butterflies. My biggest bug fears are centipedes. In New York, they aren't poisonous, but I get a bunch of them in MY ROOM, and they scare the ever living out of me.


And then you have my biggest fear. My fear to die...

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*fears SS's oddness*


The fear of living actually is a little odd, but the unpredictability aspect makes perfect sense. A lot of people fear unpredictable situations. Now see, your heights complex makes a lot more sense. You don't like being high up, and you enjoy coming down from high places really quickly. Makes sense in that context, right?

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Ahh. Well that successfully conveys the area. ;)


I just noticed the fear of water where you can't see shore. I fear water where you can't see bottom. But my actual fear is the CREATURES in the water where you can't see bottom.

:O I am glad to see someone like me. I am afraid of deep water. :sad01_anim: Scared to not to able to get away from it.

Though I like underwater creatures. That's the reason I joined Maraqua. ^_^


Aww, air sickness? That sucks. :(

And i'm sorry about you having air sickness, Anisha. :(

It does. I don't like flying. :(

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The fear of living actually is a little odd, but the unpredictability aspect makes perfect sense. A lot of people fear unpredictable situations. Now see, your heights complex makes a lot more sense. You don't like being high up, and you enjoy coming down from high places really quickly. Makes sense in that context, right?


Now that I look at it, I'm not sure THAT made sense. ... Ah well. Such is me.


Anywho, I've gotta poof momentarily. I'll be back in half an hour or so. =]

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*fears CAV's oddness*


The fear of living actually is a little odd, but the unpredictability aspect makes perfect sense. A lot of people fear unpredictable situations. Now see, your heights complex makes a lot more sense. You don't like being high up, and you enjoy coming down from high places really quickly. Makes sense in that context, right?


I don't fear living. I fear dying. I wish to live for all eternity if I could.

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I like the way you put that, Livvy. Thanks. ^^


Deep water? I fear that as well. I fell in the deep end of a pool twice when I was little and didn't know how to swim and it still scares me even though I can swim perfectly now. xD

It was kinda cool being at the bottom and just looking upwards though. xD


CAV, you're like me I guess. I think you fear death because you're not sure what' beyond it? Are you like me and like to know what's behind the door before you open it, or do you fear death for another reason?


Aw, but Anisha, reptiles are so cute! ^^

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I know I seem to like darkness, and I do, but I hate the thought of actually dying in RL.


I don't know how to swim. I can hold my breath for a while though, and looking up while in the water is cool.


2 years ago when I went to Dorney Park, I got smacked in the head with a wave in the Wave Pool after going to far in (4 foot mark). As I kept trying to get up, another wave would hit me in the head. I thought I was going to die. I finally got up and my head was pounding with pain.


What's funny is, I'm going to Dorney Park next weekend.

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Aw, but Anisha, reptiles are so cute! ^^

Ew. <_< They are scary, and iguanas are used by my classmates all the time to prank on me.


I don't know how to swim. I can hold my breath for a while though, and looking up while in the water is cool.

Bleh, swimming is not that interesting, as people talk about. I rarely swim, on occasions.

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Yay! Someone else who prefers darkness. I don't like too much light. <.<


Yeah but it's scary as heck when your like 5 feet under the water though. xD


That sounds like a good time, CAV. :P



Aw, but their little tails are so cute. And their scales. Adorable. wub_anim.gif


I enjoy night swimming, but not during the day. Don't know why. xD

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CAV, you're like me I guess. I think you fear death because you're not sure what' beyond it? Are you like me and like to know what's behind the door before you open it, or do you fear death for another reason?


That's one reason. My grandmother says that you see nothing. You just lay there for all eternity. She's a Jehovah's Witness. My parents told me of heaven. Me and my parents are Catholic.


But I also fear saying goodbye to my family and the people I love. It was too painful saying goodbye to my mother when she died (last Sunday made it a year ago), what about if I had to say goodbye to my dad, my brother, and everyone else.


I also fear death for the pain I might feel before I die, phyiscally, mentally, and emotionally.

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Jehovahs witness? eh.gif




Look there and you'll have your answer. Basicly, they take beliefs of Christanity and Catholism, and then twist them into extreme beliefs. My grandmother said that when the world is about to fall apart, God will strike down evildoers, and ressurect the good. But if this is so, then why has God struck down yet? The world is about to fall apart.


And that's why their beliefs are corrupt.


They're also the people that knock on your door to read you the bible or shout about going to heck and being saved on city corners or parks.

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I enjoy swimming. I mean, it's not super amazing, but I enjoy doing it. And yeah, night swimming is totally cool.


I'm okay with reptiles. I don't LOVE them or anything, but I don't mind them. Then again, I haven't been pranked with them either. What I don't like is flying bugs that buzz. I've been afraid of them ever since my babysitter stepped on a half-dead bee when she was barefoot and got the stinger stuck in her foot. She cried, I cried, I had fear.

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I enjoy swimming. I mean, it's not super amazing, but I enjoy doing it. And yeah, night swimming is totally cool.


I'm okay with reptiles. I don't LOVE them or anything, but I don't mind them. Then again, I haven't been pranked with them either. What I don't like is flying bugs that buzz. I've been afraid of them ever since my babysitter stepped on a half-dead bee when she was barefoot and got the stinger stuck in her foot. She cried, I cried, I had fear.

I don't like reptiles. My classmates kept an Iguana in my locker, 1 year back. I screamed the crap out of me. Yeah. And from then, I was the funniest topic, ever. <_<

I don't like flies either. :sad01_anim: I have been stung by a bee, I remember. Painful, that was.

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Lulz. At school last year my friend took my shoe, threw it at a bee, and we both ran about 50 yards before we realized we weren't being chased and later found out he killed it. xD

Me and my friends are idiots when we get together and it's so much fun. xD


But seriously, the whole beach? Evasive manuevers CAV. ;)

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