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My back hurts.. a whole lot! I probably ate too much.


^I already got those avatars =D




Oh stop bragging. lolz :laughingsmiley: I cant wait for April 1st and 8th! AVATARS!!


With these upcoming 2 being my last ones, I'm kind of torn on annual avatars. I'm partly glad that I'll have gotten them all, then I don't have to worry about missing any. But then again, it was kind of nice to have some to look forward to getting, that you knew without a doubt you could get.


Yeah, I agree. Then I know that I have to start TRYING to earn avatars because there arent any free ones any more. :sad01_anim:


I had done most of the easy ones, when I tried to apply for the ALP with 160. I tried harder, and I had 180 in less than 2 weeks. What I did, was just go over the checklist over and over, making myself familiar with how to obtain certain ones, and then I would focus on them. Right now, a lot of the ones I have left are either games, BD, or expensive item ones. Or like the Kelp. (Along with some random ones.)


Me too, except for a couple that I just dont feel like wasting np on. Like the Pinata and Candy one is 100k np, but I cant resell the Pinata after I use it, so I dont want to do that avatar.


I just did that one a couple weeks ago. I think I paid 58k for mine.


I'm waiting on the Bag of Peanuts you feed to an Elephante. As well as the Snorkle Snout. I have all the items to get the Chef Bonju avatar in August.


Oh really?! 58k you say? Hmmm...Now I might do that. Yeah the Bad of Peanuts and Snorkle thing I am not really ready for considering that I have only 700k np in the bank! :laughingsmiley:


I think I bought the Vira Pinata. If you look at the Item Database on Jellyneo.net, you can get an idea of the which pinatas *should* be the cheapest. (And make sure you verify with the checklist, to make sure which pinatas work. There's a couple that don't, like the Tax Beast.)


I got a Balthazar Pinata from TGMBDPOP or whatever it's called awhile ago. So it saved me 99k. :) I told myself I would spend any more np on avvies until I got the Stock Market one... (I'm not that far away!) :rolleyes_anim:


Lucky. I had to hunt mine down. I'm trying to save up NP to bring my account back up, since I bought the Lab Ray map set. So I will be spending more NP on avatars soon.


I've temporarily given up on Cheese Roller. I used to do it daily, but I just wasn't getting anywhere with it. I could win. I have all the wheel ones, except the Wheel of Knowledge, which I hear is horribly rare to get.


I've temporarily given up on Cheese Roller. I used to do it daily, but I just wasn't getting anywhere with it. I could win. I have all the wheel ones, except the Wheel of Knowledge, which I hear is horribly rare to get.

ya same here I also am not very good at getting random with the exception of the wheels (except for knowledge) and haiku. :P


I was really really hoping to get the Cheese Roller avatar with the quest for the Negg Festival. But... it didn't happen. Which means it will be a long time before I get it. I still need the avatar from the game graveyard, but I haven't had the patience for that one.


I've been trying for the Jester avatar recently. Today, instead though, I got the Skarl - Moody avatar. I thought that was kind of ironic. And I really need to work on the chocolate avatar. But there's refreshing for that too, and you have to be quick to get the 90+ rarity.

Posted (edited)

lol, but how do you get the jester avvie? cause there is no tin of olives option?




edit: Never mind i found it

Edited by Swim freak

lol, but how do you get the jester avvie? cause there is no tin of olives option?


Never mind i found it


Yeah, they hide it at the bottom of the list. That's the joke I told, and it was so bad, I got the moody avvie. Which.. that's supposed to be the one that makes him laugh at some point. I thought that was amusing. :laughingsmiley:


Ah... Cheeseroller. I wants that one...but I can never get the stupid cheese all the way down the hill... except for those three times while I did it during the Neggstravaganza or whatever it's called Quest...gah. It took me forever to get that stupid Jester avvie. But I finally got it a few months ago. ^_^


I...don't actually know why I bother. They're just fun to collect I guess. *shrugs*

Posted (edited)

Yeah, you need something to do besides earn np! I have all of the refresh ones except for the chocolate (if you count that as a refresher). I want the jester, moody, wheel of excitement (I still haven't gotten that one), wheel of misfortune, cheeseroller, and haiku. Those are ones I am working on besides the dailies like snowager and gerapitku.


Ahhhh!!! I just got the gormball avatar! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

Edited by divyadamini

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