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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Really? :O That's pretty funny because I feel like that's what I look like as well. Nobody has ever told me so, but looking in the mirror I notice it.


Maybe they're afraid to tell you :P. No I'm just kidding. There's a difference with real life and on screen. If you can actually see the powder on someone's face on screen, that REALLY means she's wearing too much makeup ;p because the lights and whatnot usually edit this or whatever..



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When Vista first came out, I tried it on my computer at home. It was horrible. I ended up getting rid of it. I didn't like having to close 4 error windows every time I started it up. But I have Vista on my work computer, and it works great. The only thing is that the computer freezes up for a minute or two, far too often. But that's a RAM issue.


I love the features of Windows 7.

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I bought this laptop about 6 months ago and that was the first time I used Vista and I haven't had any problems with it.


I heard that Vista sucked when it came out though, but like I said; no problems here..

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I think it really depends with Vista. You're usually a lot better off if you start with a computer that was manufactured with Vista. With my desktop, I just reimaged it, to have Vista. And it was brand new at the time.

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I've heard both ways on Mac's. I had one friend a few years ago, that would own nothing but Macs. He had numerous iPods, the iPhone, laptops, desktops. :rolleyes_anim:


I only have an Nano iPod. But I haven't used their computers. At least not since grade school, when Macs were the only kind they had in the computer lab.

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A fellow Linux user! :O Which distro do you use?


I'm a big fan of Ubuntu. There's a lot to be said for a distro that just works out of the box. :)

what I've used,



DSL ("not a beaver dam" small linux, 50mb)

I'm also planning on trying out Kubuntu when I get another hard drive on this computer.

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Yeah I've never used Linux, and odds are I probably never will :P


I kinda want a Mac just to because they generally tend to be faster than PCs, and they're more suited for the kind of things I want to do. And it's not that hard to figure out if you just spend a little time playing around with them ;)

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Nah, it's not weird that you had to look it up. :P Though I am kind of surprised you didn't know it already. Then again, it is kind of obscure.


EDIT: *snicker*

Livvy's friend:

i have realized that my affair with whole grain pop tarts has been meaningless and superficial and therefore i have ended things (though unofficially)



Ah. An unsatisfying relationship, I would imagine. Good for you for ending things. Whole grain is generally an unsatisfying partner in any case. I suggest you avoid him.

Ahh, I love my friends.

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I preferred cereal when I was a kid. I'd get up early enough that I could spend 30 minutes having cereal and reading the box. But now that I have to leave for work at 6:30, breakfast is usually a glass of chocolate milk. lol

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