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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Oh he is! The first day this winter it snowed (He moved here in June, and has never seen snow before), he called me at work. I answered and he was like, "IT'S SNOWING!!! I have to go... I have 4 more people to call!" I was like.... ummm ok. lol


It was 15 degrees one night, he spent 4 hours outside building a snowman. I would have no part in that... it was too cold.

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He kept calling me to come out. I'd come out, totally bundled up. And he was out there the entire time, in shorts and flip flops. Isn't that backwards? I should be the one able to deal with cold, and he should be hiding from it.

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I used to be fine with the cold. When I was a kid, I love to go sledding with my dad behind the local college, or play in the snow for hours until my mom made me come inside. Now... I believe snow, and cold, is best observed from inside... by a fire... with hot chocolate. :whistle:

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I was 10 or 11 at the time. My mom made my dad learn with my sister and I. Poor him. lol Now I had the snow and ice because of driving. People here don't know how to drive in bad conditions. Oh... and it's COLD.

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I only saw snow once in my life and the first thing that I did was but in a glass and in my room so that I could test my theory that ice is made of cold water (I was 6 years old XD).

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My husband has been whining alllll winter so far. He wants to know where the blizzards are. I said... just you wait... it's not April/May yet. We can get blizzards that late into Spring. One year a few years ago, we had a huge snow storm in April, and May. The ice in parts of town didn't melt until July... and August in some places. But we also have 24 hour blizzards too. One year, we got like, 4 feet of snow within 24 hours. Highways across the state were shut down, emergency shelters opened up all over. Within 24 hours, it was like... Snow? What snow?


That's why they say in Colorado: "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes. It'll change."

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Lol CC.


And i've only seen ice once before, as well. I went on a 3 day feild trip to Prescott and it was snowing when we arrived. Try archery in the middle of a blizzard. xD


I didn't expect it to be so cold and I went out with only a long sleeve, jeans, and slightly warm shoes. Dx

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Unfortunely, ice is all to common here. It'll be slightly warmer during the day... so it will be drizzling. Then by dark, it freezes. And there you go... a car hidden under a nice, solid sheet of ice. If it does that to a car... just imagine the nightmare of the roads... (aka... Black Ice)


Plus, already this winter, I've had my car doors freeze shut, THREE times! Come on summer!

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Don't get me wrong; it does get cold here, we just never get snow. We get ice. In fact, we used to have to put a blanket over the back door of our minivan, because otherwise it would freeze shut. (It's one of those electric doors you can't force manually either.)

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