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It's getting like that for me. I've read almost all the books plus some that my parents order on line for me that my library holds from my 10 favourite authors so now I don't know what to read anymore. D:


I'm hoping High-school has a bigger selection of books.



Lol, I remeber one time when I went to the park with my new book that was the fifth in the "Among the Hidden" series and sat down with it for a few hours while it was freezing cold outside. I was sick for 2 days but I read all of it! xD


I was going to use another word, but it's against the rules to post it. but the word is also a word applied to poop, which is why I put that instead.

Haha you'd think "crap" would apply nicely there, wouldn't you? :P


Yeah, but wouldn't "Oh poop" be so much more fun to say, once you think about it? I mean most people would think your crazy and look at the reaction it got from just us. xD


I might start saying that in RL now. I'm sure my math teacher would give me a few strange looks. xD



Edit: Ninja'd by Livvy. xD



I just noticed that there are now 3 search engines lurking the forums. I am so glad we can have invitation only convo's now that keep things like that out. xD


Lol. xD



I say stuff like "OH SQUIRREL FUDGE!" and "HOLY SQUIRREL MUFFINS!" in real life. That might be why most people avoid me. ^^


Plus the fact thar one of my goals in life is to dance to the YMCA song in a squirrel suit at a Yankees home game in the front of the nose-bleed seats might scare peole a bit too. angel.png


& WOOT! 1750th post! 250 to go. =D



Oh and, gotta go. Bye guys and G'night. ^^


Ah okay. Well I guess that's my cue to start cracking on this book. But I still might respond at some point tonight. If not, bye!


Good night, Myles!


I'm working on homework for English at the moment. We're reading The Scarlet Letter, which is incredibly long-winded and not terribly interesting. There's an entire chapter about a rosebush. But once you get past all the fluff, it's not bad.


EDIT: And silence fills the forums...


I never read any book that was hard to read, our school never required me to read such books anyway :D. The only book that I tried to read out of pleasure and failed is Weathering Heights, didn't understand a word from it *lol*.


Really? I do atleast 10 times more pleasure reading than some of my english teachers. Personally I think it's very relaxing, especially if you listen to music while you read...


I can't ever listen to ANYTHING while I am reading, even birds chirping. It is so annoying cuz I can't concentrate on the words while I am reading.


Really? Things that I don't WANT to listen to annoy me when i'm reading and sometimes cause me to throw things but music from my ipod or the radio is always nice for me when I have a good book. PLus it helps me match songs to a book.


I like to read on a one-person, comfy sofa with no distractions at all. I like doing Homework in front of the TV though :D.


Who dosen't? It proves as a great distraction! =D


Plus if you turn to certain channels i've found you can get the answers, too! :O


Never knew that, I watch the TV when the commercials are on and do my homework when the show is on :D.


Really? Lol.


My mom can just fast forward throough commercials cause she records stuff since we have Cox. She never knows anything now. I'll be like "mom, can I get that new POkemon game for DS for my Birthday?"



"What is 'Pokemon'?"


My mum doesn't even know what Neopets is *LOL*.


Changed my name, doesn't make a difference to my nickname (CC) anyway.


You only need to post 97 times to become an SM and 1697 times to become an FM :D.


Why am I seeing all my posts in Italics when I didn't click on The I in the fast post box? Everything is in italics even my description on the left :eh:.

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