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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Well, having an AV program won't guarantee that you won't get a virus. I mean, if you choose to download it, you can still get the virus. The AV program should prompt you to get rid of it though, so long as you keep it updated enough so it can detect it. And odds are your AV program is doing constant background scans. It's the default setting.


And McAfee isn't free. Not normally.


And I've heard it's not good to have two AV programs on your computer, since they can conflict with each other and cause problems.

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yea I know I got McAfee just like you did when I frist got comcast I guess the progream just wasent for me but ever since I got the norton I havent had any issues at all


As long as you have some kind of protection on your computer and havent had any issues with it then you sould be fine


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Haha yeah I figured.

Honestly, I don't know what I was trying to do with my post xP


Yay for not a sleep fail!


I'd be asleep now, cause I feel like crap at the moment, but I told myself I'd finish reading Lord of the Flies tonight, since I have to do an analysis for it by Wednesday. I'm almost halfway through :tired:

Look at me, not procrastinating :P

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Well the thing is, I could read it, so in my opinion, it's not horrible. Granted, it's not great, but I have a feeling that if it wasn't assigned I could get through it, and that means the book is okay for me.

I mean, if it's a bad book, I'm not going to read all the way through it. I drop books when they get boring and show no sign of anything interesting to happen (grammar fail).

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*inner editor cringes* Grammar fail indeed.


I read it last year. It's an alright book by that criteria; I could get through it. I just didn't like the subject. The concept of human hatred eludes me. I'm a natural optimist, so I always try to find the best in people and situations, but in that book, there was no "best" to be found. It saddened me.

The fact that I didn't like my English teacher last year didn't help.

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I just finished reading "Warriors: Bluestars prophecy" a few days ago, if any of you have heard of it.


And one more post and i'll have the same number of posts as CC! =D

I'll feel bad if I beat her to FMdom though. D:

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You should read a good story. Not Lord of the Flies though :P. It's not really good. Just "passable".


But it's not all completely bad. Like Simon is one of my favorite characters. He represents hope, peace, and simplicity to me. Like I just read this one scene where Ralph starts losing it and is afraid he'll never get off the island, and Simon comforts him by saying, "You'll get back to where you came from," and Ralph's kinda skeptical but Simon's just like, "You'll get back all right," and I just thought it was really cool cause he says it like it's a fact.


Woo for rambling xP


Edit: wow, ninja'd x2

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I liked Simon too.


It's too bad he starts imagining things, which eventually leads to him getting killed. :( He was my favorite.


If you haven't finished the book, I do not recommend you click on the spoiler. It was - for once - used as a spoiler is supposed to be used.

I never liked Piggy though. He always bothered me with his annoying smartiness.


I've heard of the Warrior series. Fighting cats, right? I almost read it, because I love cats, but then I realized that when there's a fight, there's death, and I couldn't stand to read about cats dying.

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And I am now officially equal to CC in posts. sad.gif



But anyway, i've never heard of Lord of the Flies. Who's the author?



Myles adn Livvy, you should read em but start in a specific order. Read Bluestars prophecy first, then the first 6, then Firestars prophecy, then the next 13 that have been released so far, and THEN read the manga. It all makes more sense if you read it that way, trust me. o.o



And yeah, but more cats die of old age then anything. It's against the warrior code to kill a cat in battle or to murder a different cat, same clan or not. nerd.png

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Heh, well, we were supposed to finish the book in class ages ago, so I already know some of what happens.


Piggy is alright for me. I mean, there are times in the book where I just feel the kids are just being rude to him. I think if he was more strong willed and confident (and probably less fat), he'd be a lot more likable.


Edit: SS you'll probably read it in 10th grade. It's by William Golding.

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And I am now officially equal to CC in posts. :(



But anyway, i've never heard of Lord of the Flies. Who's the author?



And Myles, you should read em but start in a specific order. Read Bluestars prophecy first, then the first 6, then Firestars prophecy, then the next 13 that have been released so far, and THEN read the manga. It all makes more sense if you read it that way, trust me. o.o

I'm not sure I'm up to reading THAT much D:


oh poop. my mom want's me to go to bed early. maybe I'll be able to stay on if I can get that old p3 laptop to get internet.

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Myles and Livvy, you should read em but start in a specific order. Read Bluestars prophecy first, then the first 6, then Firestars prophecy, then the next 13 that have been released so far, and THEN read the manga. It all makes more sense if you read it that way, trust me. o.o


And yeah, but more cats die of old age then anything. It's against the warrior code to kill a cat in battle or to murder a different cat, same clan or not. nerd.png

WOAH. I don't have that kind of time. I don't even have time to sleep properly, much less read 21 books. @_@


I'm not sure I'm up to reading THAT much D:


oh poop. my mom want's me to go to bed early. maybe I'll be able to stay on if I can get that old p3 laptop to get internet.

"Oh poop"? I don't believe I've ever heard anyone say that. :P

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Well it DID take me a little over a year to read all that. But then again, I read another 50 different books inbetween and I had to wait to find most of them in the library, or with half the series, wait for them to be written. xD


And has anyone here read the "Among the Hidden" series? It's really amazing and so is almost every other book by Margret Peterson Haddix. I've read over 15 of her books now and I love her writing style. ^^



And i'm pretty sure Laura said that or something like "Oh poop" a few pages ago.

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oh poop. my mom want's me to go to bed early. maybe I'll be able to stay on if I can get that old p3 laptop to get internet.

Alright well if you are, have a good night, and I'll see you tomorrow.


I heard of Warriors, but I don't think I'd be interested in those kind of books. I would have been a couple years ago, but not anymore (except a few that I still follow). Guess I outgrew them.

And yes, it seems like a lot of reading.


I've read the Among the Hidden series. It was good. Interesting concepts. Haddix is a good writer.


I like reading, I just can hardly find anything I like reading.


Edit: dang, ninja'd again.

Please hold while I add quotes.

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