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Giovanni Gale

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I celebrated new year 12 hours before Neopets and I know that I am late and all but





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Not bad CC, not bad at all! :P *is hunting for a clean image of the Pterattack Pteri*


You are not prepared

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Happy New Years guys :woot: (late, I know)


My resolution is to stop procrastinating...next year :P



I feel like this post needs a huzzah in it, but I didn't put a huzzah in it, so here's my huzzah. Huzzah.

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Not bad CC, not bad at all! :P *is hunting for a clean image of the Pterattack Pteri*


You are not prepared


Lies. I am prepared indeed.


So what did you guys do to ring in the new year?

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I'm not really sure if I'll ever be 13 because my birthday is 30 December and I saw this movie, 2012, and in it the world ended at 2012 December 21st and that makes me worried...it's a scary film and I know how the world will end, the world end by the suns particals gradually getting bigger, engulfing the solar system and when the solar system is fully engulfed the sun will turn into a white dwarf, I got that from a book and it said that would happen in 100 years so I'm hoping that it was made in 1999 because I may never be 99 so I don't have to die that way because I just wanna die peacefully like old age...man this is a long post...

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Yup. Like the Y2K bug. Granted, I wasn't really knowledgeable enough to know about it, but I read about it and people were so convinced the world would end in 2000, but it didn't.


And a hundred billion sounds about right. I just knew it was long enough that I would never have to vaguely worry about it :P

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Bah! I can't ignore it! It's forever stuck in my brain! And I may not actually die because I really do have magical powers inside and outside these forums! And are you sure it didn't say a melenium or a century or A DECADE! And watch out for everyone, they might b mind-controlled! Or Rick Roll'd!

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