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Giovanni Gale

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So I know who's still here. Did anyone tragically disappear while I was gone? (Aside from me, of course.)

Well you remember Revenge, don't you?


I haven't seen him around recently :/


EDIT: Hi Livvy. Good to catch you on :)

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Aww, he hasn't? :( I'm sorry to lose him. Who's gonna take care of young AA and the muffin now? (If you still remember that.) I noticed in the posts I reread that something seemed to be wrong... I hope he's alright.

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Haha yeah I remember that.


Now that you mention it, I remember that something seemed wrong too. I hope he comes back. He was part of the Insanity.


But it's great you're back now! :D

What's kept you away for so long? (if you don't mind me being a bit nosy)

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*inhales* Life. @_@ Which basically means school and not sleeping. I have so much homework this year, and a few teachers I really don't get along with. I've basically had to teach myself Chemistry this year. So with all that work, I've hardly had time to even touch the computer.

However, it got to the point that I just spend hours staring at the ceiling because I'm too mentally spent to actually do anything, so I figured I might as well spend those hours talking to people instead of ceiling-staring.


*exhales* In short: School and sleep-deprivation. <_<


EDIT: Yup, but I rarely use it. For the same reason mentioned above. But if you want it, I'll PM you.

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It hasn't really been too bad. I'm managing A's doing the least amount of work possible, which means getting 96-98s on math tests and then getting a 90% overall grade because I get like 5/40 for homework completion. I'm probably just wasting a lot of my time with various things. Procrastination at its best lol.


I dunno. I haven't done much for school, and it hasn't been too hard but not all that easy either.


Edit: Myles ninja'd me xP. I broke my finger so I'll be typing really slowly.

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I haven't taken driver's ed yet. Or my license test. Or my permit test. ...Hm. I should probably get on that. :guiltysmiley:


EDIT: 90? That's a B at my school. Is it considered an A where you are? Lucky! I've been scraping by with A's, barely. I try to do my homework as much as possible, but as I said earlier, I'm mentally spent. =\ However, I'm still one of the 6 juniors on the A Honor Roll, and ranked second in my class. :graduated:


*gasp* You broke your finger? Oh no! How? :O

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Really? Wow. 90s and up are A's here (and I thought everywhere xP).


And luckily for me, my school doesn't do rankings, so I don't have to worry about that :P


And I broke it playing basketball. Yes, I'm that clumsy xD

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haha, I'm almost done with the drivers ed class, but in my state, you need 50 hours of driving before they let you get your license. due to me barely even getting out of my house, that's going to take FOREVER.


and the sad part is, I'm already better than most drivers where I live (they're all horrible xD )


lol, I got ninja'd by the person with a broken finger. I fail xD

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I don't think we have to take the class before getting our license, but they "strongly advise" that we do. Which means we have to.


Haha, poor Will. I hope it heals soon. How long ago did it happen?


The SC grading scale is

A 93-100

B 85-92

C 77-84

D 70-76

F 69 or Below


I've always felt bad for E because it wasn't included. :P

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Really? We still have to take a written test (well, computer test) and driving test before we can get our license here.


EDIT: Wow, there's no one online without some sort of rank. Two News Staff, two Super Members, and four FMs. Cool!

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I actually broke it on the 23rd, and got the cast/splint on Christmas Eve. Thanks Santa :P


I can't get my permit yet, being underage, but I'm pretty sure we just have to take a written test to get it. It's supposedly really easy too. I'm not gonna take Driver's Ed though. You have to pay for it here, and the only thing it gives you is a small discount on your insurance.

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Well that counts lol. I have a fracture, but apparently it's bad enough that I have to have a full arm splint on it. It was bent a bit in a weird way too, what the doctor called "angulation". I have to see a specialist tomorrow. I just hope I don't have it on too long cause I have some stuff I have to do for orchestra else I'm gonna fail that class.

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Now you just made me hungry :P

*wanders off to find some snacks*


EDIT: Darn, ninja'd again. The awesome was for Livvy eating a delicious cookie that she made herself, not the tearing-Myles-mouth-cookie.

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