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Giovanni Gale

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Well, it depends on the type of floor... my room's floor has sharp flaws on some of its tiles (which I've fortunately learned to avoid). :P

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Not if you're falling off of something over 6 ft tall. Then a shaggy carpet would be much nicer. At least then when you hit the ground you lie there without being sore the next morning.

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Shaving cream! :D It would be fun filling the schools with shaving cream, I guess. Just as long as nobody uses any.


I want shag carpeting on my floor. :| Or a big giant shag rug that you can just lay on and feel all comfy and cozy on. :D


I have a big shag rug. :D I go to sleep on it. :3

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That'd be cool. I couldn't have it on my ceiling though, 'cause most of it's slanted and the level part has a ceiling fan that would tear it up. I'd prefer a grass carpet. Like using the terrain you can buy at Home Depot as a carpet. And then paint clouds on the ceiling... ^_^

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haha, I have to take newer pictures of my floor. the spot is amazing.



oh, & I also have my own little space heater, I got my 'laptop' working again (running partially taken apart, with the window open letting the cold air in, large fan blowing the cold air over the opened computer). with all that it still overheats sometimes :C

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Hey there. My name's Will. I'm just gonna give you one helpful tip to stay on the mods good side. Read these rules and be sure not to break any ;)




Anyways, Revenge, that'd be so cool! I think I'd have stars painted onto my bedroom ceiling though, since I'm hardly ever in my room except to sleep. Y'know, to heck with ceilings, I'd like to have an open air room, somewhere away from the cities so there won't be any light pollution and I can see all of the stars.

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What about mosquitoes? And rain, snow, sleet, hail, lava-- You'd have to deal with that! And I don't think you have lava insurance, do you?


I'd put star shaped lights in the ceiling that glow whenever I turn the regular lights off. I know how to do that. :graduated:

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