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Giovanni Gale

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My personal favorite would be ones from FF12; the espers. There's Zeromus the Condemner, Cuchulainn the Impure, Chaos the Walker of the Wheel, Adremmelech the Wroth, Belias the Gigas, and well, the list goes on and on, but that's where I see most of these kind of titles.

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In AP European History we recently learned about Richard the Lion-Hearted (who my teacher insists on calling Richard the Pea-Brained =P ), Peter the Great, Ferdinand the Great, _____ the Just, ____ the Weak (hate to get stuck with that one), and numerous other such titles.


If I had a title after my name, I'd hope it was something like Livvy the Intelligent, or Livvy the Peace-Maker.


~ Livvy

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There was also


-Ivan the Terrible

-William the Conquerer



But I still love Jack the Ripper. Seriously. I'm like, in love with this mysterious man (or men, the world may never know)


For all intensive purposes, I'm calling this Jack fellow a he, not them. So, he is so interesting. I know he was a murderer, but I just think that it's amazing that he could kill these women and then be gone moments before the police would arrive.



It's so.... mysterious. :3

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It would suit you nicely. Or Laura the Straight-Jacket-Escape-Artist. Or Laura the Refreshment-Table-Stalker-Toe-Hunter.


(Why do I feel like I'm constantly replying late? *sigh* Slow computer.)


~ Livvy

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I love your new name, Laura!


For me, Valentine's Day is just another day for the people with a lot of "friends" to get overloaded with candy and balloons and bears and such, and for me to sit back and laugh at them because I know those kinds of friendships don't last. I don't have a Valentine, per se, but I have friends that love me, and that makes the whole day better.


(Woah, had a kind of cynical moment there.)


~ Livvy

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Valentine's Day has special meaning to me, because I have all these fantasies about a perfect V-Day. No, not ones like, "Oh I have a boyfriend and he loves me YAY!"


No no no no no no. I'm talking gothic style buildings and black lace and lolita adorning everything. And then Alice in Wonderland pops up out of nowhere and makes my little fantasy world quite an LSD-esque trip.



It's all so perfect.... in my mind.

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Woah this is my 43rd post today! Guess who's procrastinating?


Hm if I had to pick one of those names, it would be Will the Profound, or Will the Musical. Yes, I like thinking and music.


Ugh I started at the screen for like 5 mins trying to come up with that stuff. I suck at it.


Edit: I got it! Will the Bad-at-naming-things-dude!

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Valentine's Day--I like it. Lots of candy. Maybe a stuffed bear. But this year, I really need to work up the courage to poke my crush. :*

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Shush, I don't want to hear it. I know I'm loony. But a dark and seemingly miserable V-Day would actually be perfect. Because I like morbid things.


But only when they're elegant and beautiful. If they're grotesque, no thank you.

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Will the Profound sounds good, (though it almost sounds more like a question than a name. I suppose that's inevitable with the name "Will" though.) I like Will the Profound. Reminds me of another of my friends named Will. (I know many Wills. Almost as many as I know Michaels.)


(Grr, late again.)


~ Livvy

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Valentine's Day has special meaning to me, because I have all these fantasies about a perfect V-Day. No, not ones like, "Oh I have a boyfriend and he loves me YAY!"


No no no no no no. I'm talking gothic style buildings and black lace and lolita adorning everything. And then Alice in Wonderland pops up out of nowhere and makes my little fantasy world quite an LSD-esque trip.



It's all so perfect.... in my mind.


You're awesome.


That's the best kind of feeling. The dark enchantingness with a tint of weird that just has a notion of trippyness.


It's something I'd daydream about, except I like a lot of nature in my scenes. So pleasant...

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*takes in deep breath*






D'awww how cute.


EDIT: I- I think I love you Revenge.


*coughs* Nope, that was just heart-burn.


But seriously, I love that you understand what I'm getting at. :3 Fwee.

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Valentine's Day has special meaning to me, because I have all these fantasies about a perfect V-Day. No, not ones like, "Oh I have a boyfriend and he loves me YAY!"


No no no no no no. I'm talking gothic style buildings and black lace and lolita adorning everything. And then Alice in Wonderland pops up out of nowhere and makes my little fantasy world quite an LSD-esque trip.



It's all so perfect.... in my mind.

Haha I dunno what to say since I don't understand most of it. I mean, when did buildings have lace on them? And whats lolita? Sounds like Spanish for a little "lol"


Will the Profound sounds good, (though it almost sounds more like a question than a name. I suppose that's inevitable with the name "Will" though.) I like Will the Profound. Reminds me of another of my friends named Will. (I know many Wills. Almost as many as I know Michaels.)


(Grr, late again.)

Haha you're right, it does sound like a question!



Headline: Morgan the Thwacker strikes again!

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