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Giovanni Gale

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I actually got athletes foot from using public showers too often. I don't use them anymore.


OMG I'm eating jelly beans and I haven't had any in such a long time and they're soooo good :3

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I know when I played soccer my legs itched all the time and I always thought it was just allergies or sweat,

but my doctor said it was due to poor circulation. My legs itch in the shower for the same reason.

YUCK is that what that is?! I get itchy hands/fingers when I mow the lawns (from holding on to it) and when I wear gloves on a cold day. My fingers feel all swollen and I feel like if I pin pricked one it would pop. Haha that would be a sight.
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I like gourmet jelly beans. Especially the ones that taste like wine or bananas. Or coffee.

Sadly I only have the basic fruit flavored ones, but it's still better than nothing.


Sad. Maybe I need to excersize more or something to help the circulation. I bike a lot but that's legs, not arms. Hmm.

No that shouldn't be the problem. It's usually because the joint is at a weird angle or something's too tight, or there's too much pressure.



What's a speed bag?

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Creaking in the middle of the night has something to do with the wood settling or letting out air or something. I forget what exactly. My dad is really into restoring old houses so I'm told many... exciting... facts.

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Boxing sounds like a cool sport to do, but I'd like doing a fight where you're allowed to use your legs.


Kickboxing. :)


My house it always creaking. It's an old house. It used to be a poorhouse before it was bought (my dad). Sometimes that's exactly how it feels.

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