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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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There was this thing at school today, and everyone got some sort of prize at the end. I didn't actually do whatever they were doing (I volunteered to help with painting and stuff), but I got something anyway. It was a boot. Not really, it was too small to be a boot, and there is no bottom, but otherwise it's shaped like a boot. I haven't really figured out what it's for yet...

Woohoo. <_<

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^^^^ o_O Strange!


When I lived at home it was my job to ensure all the clocks were correct too AA. For some odd reason my parents could not figure out how to set the clocks and instead of reading the manuals then got me to do it... Lucky I don't read manuals :P

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OMG, I want to see a picture! I can't vote yet, but if I could, I'd vote for Obama.


But anyway, anybody know a good way to go about strangling your little brother without getting caught?


He just shoved a door over my toe. It was one of the ones I got surgery on too, so it's still really sensitive.

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Lols... I wouldn't worry about being caught if it was me, I would have already thumped him over the head a couple of times!!

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I don't have a little brother, instead I have a big brother who you do NOT want as a sibling...I mean, he does silly things, swears a lot (Yea, I have a problem with that), spends waaaay too much time chatting to people on Xbox live and just annoys me in general...like today I gave him the rest of my dinner (which I barely touched) and he said he would give me ten dollars, and he only gave me a dime. Now I have to tell him that he owes me $9.90 before next Friday v_v

Do not want. D:

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I love my siblings and wouldn't change them for the world. Then again I don't think my sister and brother agreed with that when I was the spoilt little brat of a little sister... The joys of being 9 and a half years younger!

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I'm the youngest of seven brothers. Yep, all male. Of course, five of them are over 35 now, so I have sister-in-laws, but still. I was supposed to be the last child living in the parent's house by this September, but SOMEBODY didn't pass high school, in turn not being accepted into college and still needing a place to live and be taken care of. <_<

I was supposed to be alone this year...

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I'm the middle child. I have an older sister and a younger brother. My sister has already moved out, and my brother took her room across the hall from mine. Now it always smells like fart. x_x

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I'm the middle child. I have an older sister and a younger brother. My sister has already moved out, and my brother took her room across the hall from mine. Now it always smells like fart. x_x
lol, smelles like fart ;b


I'm the baby in my house(not literally an infant ;b)

I got 1 older sister, & 3 older brothers. My sister is in her last year of high school, my oldest brother is married & lives in his own house, my second oldest brother is currently going to college, & my third oldest brother, well, I never really saw him (died years before I was born :().

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I generally can't smell anything unless it's food, and I have a fan in my room that I have on all the time, so I don't know what my brother's room across the hall smells like. I f you call it a hall. It's more like a small... square thingy. We have a small house, I mean seriously, most people have dens with a bigger lateral area than our entire house. There's only one floor, Me and my brother sleep in the attic, sectioned off with walls to make two little rooms, next to the stairs. The stairs aren't really in the middle of the house, so he gets a slightly bigger room. Ah, well. My room's more climate-controllable. :cool:

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Are we talking about siblings now?


Well I have a big brother. He's ok I guess, we keep our distance most of the time. He's always on the family computer and if not, he's on his laptop. I'm a bit 'peeved off' since he spends a majority of the time online on the computer...<_<

No wonder I'm a non-talkative person...

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Hey I also have a elder brother as well, he is curretnly studying in the university and he's usually not at home at weekday morning and afternoons because he is studying in university and also he's more talkative than me also...

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So.. Did you know that Chickens can run up to 9mph? Meh... I found that out today!

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I know! Amazing huh??!! I found that out this morning, thought everyone just wanted to know!!

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Announcement: Entries for the TDN chicken race are open! Register your chickens for this daring test of skill and endurance today! :P

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Ohh... So how many chickens can I enter??

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I'm sorry, but that question will have to be referred to the TDN Department of Live Poultry Competitive Activities Regulatory Authorities. Please file your query with one of their secretaries. XD


Anybody checked out the special hidden link in my signature?

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Ohmygosh! Those links...go...to....Y--*choke*--and N--*choke*--and your s--*choke*--and some a--*choke*.


I mean, what links? :shiftyeyes_anim:

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XD Well I'm hoping that anybody who was participating in MoTA in the past is excited.

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