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So it sounds like I am deranged?? Hmmm... *scratches head*


Quick! Where did New Amsterdam become Head Assistant NBA snickerdoodle chef/super intelligent boxing balloon square fencepost underneath kawaii lumperdiddlefishkin in a comatose president flag cork fuzzy? :weird:


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :S Ok I am officially confused, what the hell are you talking about?


Ummm... what does 'Sasquach' mean??


Where they pickled the butter on top of the lava lamp peach tree in Manhattan New Zealand where everybody wears blue tutus! :O


And "sasquatch" is another word for "Bigfoot".

Where they pickled the butter on top of the lava lamp peach tree in Manhattan New Zealand where everybody wears blue tutus! :O

You were nearly correct, but you forgot to carry the two. Don't worry, though, we have a consolation prize for you over here.

*points to large pile of priceless jewelry oddly mixed in with suitcases filled with rare cheese*

Right behind that big pile.


:O *jumps into pile and drags out suitcases full of cheese* Da treasure ish mine! *moopoof*


Was it just my immagination or did Morgan just moo like a cow??? Hmm, that explains a lot now doesn't it :D


"Moopoof" is an ancient way of poofing away from the HOP board.


You got ancient right *cackle*


I'm hungry!!!


Well, um, ancient to me. Ya know, when I didn't have to worry about pie cannons here. :(


But... :crying: That wasn't your prize... It was behind the pile! I was saving that for the sick, starving blind children in the old shack downtown... What kind of sicko steals food from sick, blind, and starving children!? What kind!?


Um, your kind! *accusingly points & runs off with cheese*


That's ok Morgan, the pie cannons don't like shooting at you anyway, it has a mind of it's own you know!!! Grumpy Old Ladies annoy the pie cannon, they are fun suckers *trails off ...*


:O Morgan!!! Did you steal food from starving children???!!! Really!!! I mean that is just a new low for you Morgan!!! I am very disappointed!!!! *shakes head at Morgan*


I didn't steal from children! I left them a turkey banquet! Each child gets two turkeys! :crying:


I'd steal from you, but not from children! These jewels in this case are fake! It would give them no benefit! :O


Maybe I can convince the cannon to participate for the good of the children *whispers something into cannon and gets splat in the face with a cream pie* Well that didn't work very well!!!! *kicks cannon* and now I have a sore toe <_<


*pie cannon zooms off and starts chasing Morgan round the room while, shooting pies frantically* Ummm... Ok?? That's not quite what I expected!


*blows up pie cannon*


Hey! Revenge looks different somehow...o_O


*looks at new arms* Great, how long's it gonna take to work these out? At least I can multitask better now. Ooh, how about becoming a super hero! SUPER SIX-ARMED MANNISH PERSON, away! *jumps off building, forgetting that six arms doesn't grant you the ability to fly*


Different?? Really?? Can't say I noticed, other than that slimey stuff coming out of his mouth. What exactly is that?


*sighs & shakes head* Revenge...you should know better. You can't fly. *lassoes Revenge back to floor*


I guess I got "carried away." Hahahahaha! [/bad superhero joke]


And thus this chapter of your favorite hero's adventures ends. But tune in next week for more awesome Revenge-ness! Haha!


Okay, I'm done.


Don't even try to pull off a pun. You still haven't taken lessons from Metroid, have you? o_O

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