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Giovanni Gale

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He's a running back for Seattle that gets skittles from the coach when he makes a good play cause its been a tradition with him since highschool where his mom gave him skittles. :P

Now Skittles have given him a two year supply of skittles and a skittle dispenser in his locker. ^^

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speaking of food, what should I eat??? I sometimes spend a whole day pondering this question and my stomach doesn't quite like that =(


chinese, japanese, korean, greek, burritos, pizza, sandwiches, *sigh* my tummy is rumbling. waffles would be amazing right now.

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I've never had real Japanese I suppose.


I just read 'omelette rice' and went :woot: wow that sounds amazing. Then I realized it's probably quite similar to fried rice. :rolleyes_anim: Which is still yummy but I just got a bit over excited.


I made stuffed shells for dinner tonight and they are going on the grill right now. Hopefully it will be yummy, though with garlic bread and a salad I'm sure it will be :yum:

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I've never had orange chicken before, but I have had sweet-and-sour chicken (both with and without sauce).

I like sweet-and-sour chicken better without sauce, because every Chinese restaurant that makes it (that isn't the Chinese place I order from) drenches it in the sauce. :sick01:

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Winter has its pros and cons. Pros include the wintery landscape whenever it snows out; and cons include all the slick ice that appears on the roads, which is very bad for people who are trying to get to work every day. I for one don't mind seeing some snow where I am, but my mom's not so crazy about slippery driveways.

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