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Giovanni Gale

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Mmmm, taco's. I think I decided what my wife and I are having for lunch tomorrow. Yay taco's.


As to volunteering, I encourage it. I'm trying to find the motivation to go volunteer, but it's been eluding me for two weeks now. It's usually fun to go tutor little kids but I've been so far down in the dumps lately I don't even want to leave my house, even if it were on fire. (It hasn't been on fire, thank goodness, but if it was on fire you'd be hard pressed to get me to leave.)

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Tacos :O

I've only tried one once in my life. A few years ago, made it in a cooking class at school.

Like most other things we made at school, it was rubbish... so it would be cool to try a proper Taco one day.


Tutoring kids sounds interesting. I'd like to do that... too bad I don't have much time right now.

Why've you been so down, SWO?

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I don't eat beef so it would have to be a chicken or tofu or fish taco for me to eat it. Fish tacos are great though. So yummy. But I guess you'd have to like fish to like them. I am personally a huge seafood fan.

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Tacos = :sick01: I can't even stand the smell of them.


Fish is yummy though.

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Oh I assure you I know what I am missing. I really just dislike the taste. Also cows produce more methane and detrimental global warming powers than cars so not eating them helps the environment :)


Side note: I forgot that I had a glow in the dark band-aid on my finger and I walked into my room in the pitch black, because the light is on the other side of the room, while eating string cheese and I thought that my cheese was glowing and I was kind of alarmed. Then I realized I was dumb :rolleyes_anim:

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I only did volunteering once, but I was there for over 2 years. I volunteered at the District Attorney's Office, in the Juvenile Prosecution division. (I got interested in law when I was taking a Law & Order class in HS.) It was awesome. I got to write briefs for the District Attorney, help out the Deputy DAs, and I even helped out with behind the scenes stuff on a 1st degree murder trial.

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Side note: I forgot that I had a glow in the dark band-aid on my finger and I walked into my room in the pitch black, because the light is on the other side of the room, while eating string cheese and I thought that my cheese was glowing and I was kind of alarmed. Then I realized I was dumb :rolleyes_anim:


omg glowing cheese would be possibly the greatest thing ever. i wonder if GFP is edible? hmm....


*has been writing a comic about the polymerase chain reaction for the past few hours*


HERP A DERP GUYS I'M GOING INSANE!!!! but at least i have girl scout cookies to keep me alive :worried: :rolleyes_anim: :king: :rolleyes_anim: :sick01: :rolleyes_anim: :grrr: :laughingsmiley:

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I don't have plans this weekend. Well, nothing fun. My husband is on a night shift training, working 12 hours. So I'll be dropping him off in the evening, staying up as late as possible, if not all night, then picking him up in the morning and sleeping as much as possible before taking him back the next evening.


Then Sunday morning, I go back to work for the week.

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burned through two seasons of TPB in a day


TPB? :eh: What's that? *derp*


Tomorrow, I am taking two exams. Then my mom is picking me up, we're driving up to my brother's school, and seeing his concert. Then I'm getting Pokemon Black and driving home for Spring Break!!! Yay for a week off!! :D


Ooh, night shift. Good luck Spritzie!! That sounds kinda stressful :/

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Well that's a good thing then lol :laughingsmiley:

aww I hope you get some sleep soon! I should go to bed, myself...First exam at 10am tomorrow and i've been losing sleep all week :/

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Ah, you're almost there!! Go Spritzie!!! :D You're really close to draik #2, aren't you :king:


heh thanks xD Hopefully I won't do too badly lol. i've been such a mess recently :P

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Good luck in your exams Manta :D


Ugh. I feel quite ill this morning, but not enough to miss a day of school.


Hmm, today's Daily Dare is a team thing :O I'll have to practise the game a bit, only have a HS of 300 or something like that. Will do it when I'm home from school.


Anyway, have a good day all! Back later.

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Tacos = :sick01: I can't even stand the smell of them.


Fish is yummy though.


Same here, I never liked Tacos myself. For the fish comment, I'm more of a fish sticks and a popcorn shrimp person when it comes to seafood. Mmmm... popcorn shrimp!

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one exam failed, one to go xDD i need to shower or something first...i'm studying with a friend and a cute guy for a bit before the second exam :whistle:


I love tacos AND fish!! my favorite fish is probably swordfish...or salmon baked in foil. SO BUTTERY AND DELIICIOUS MMMMM :wub_anim:


on a side note, i ate girl scout cookies and nutella for breakfast. i love college :P

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Agh, is that just you being pessimistic?

Enjoy your little study session ;)


Not a very big fish person here.

But I love tuna& mayonnaise <3 ...and Grilled Salmon xD ...and the battered haddock/cod (or whatever you get at Fish'n'Chip shops).

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