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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Hey guys, I'm back from a Neopoint earning spree. I made some extra from those wheels in my opinion.


Not to mention that I did get a kick out of Despicable Me as well last night at my mom's workplace. :)

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Hmm... I'm going to have to watch Despicable Me sometime...


I need to get you in a conversation with my husband. I'm smart, but not his level. I think he misses having crazy-smart intellectual conversations. :laughingsmiley:

That sounds like fun, although I'm sure I'd sound disappointingly un-intellectual. :P


I don't really care about what's going on in the space station. :rolleyes_anim:

This is what's going on in the space station. ;)


That's because twitter is a great way to chat with people. I don't see why shouldn't tell you guys to use it.

Maybe because there are far superior microblogging platforms out there? :rolleyes_anim:

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Congrats to all you guys who beat BTY!!! :D I'm envious xDD


had a miserable day yesterday so here's hoping today will be better...

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miserable days=no fun, but miserable days are usually followed by good days in my experience


^ Neomysterion agrees with this post.


I often feel miserable when my friend's not there to wish me a good night before I go to work in the morning. I still have good days at work myself during the past few weeks (I still sleep during the afternoons though).

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I have a cat in a bag. Well, technically a kitten in a bag. She's playing in a very large, very empty paper litter bag (one of the paper kind. for Yesterdays News litter).


I'm watching From Hell on TV right now. Johnny Depp movie. He plays a detective trying to stop Jack the Ripper.

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I have a cat in a bag. Well, technically a kitten in a bag. She's playing in a very large, very empty paper litter bag (one of the paper kind. for Yesterdays News litter).


I'm watching From Hell on TV right now. Johnny Depp movie. He plays a detective trying to stop Jack the Ripper.

ive seen this movie..dont like the ending much but it was pretty well done..supplies an interesting twist on the ripper

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I've been wanting to see From Hell for a long time. I'm a bit of a Jack the Ripper nerd. I also generally think that Johnny Depp is a pretty good actor, especially in creepy roles.

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I have a cat in a bag. Well, technically a kitten in a bag. She's playing in a very large, very empty paper litter bag (one of the paper kind. for Yesterdays News litter).


My cat and my sister's always loved bags. (And boxes.) They usually would play in the big paper shopping bags. My mom would cut the handles so they couldn't get caught in them, then lay it out for them to play it. They loved it.

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From Hell is one of a series of Jack the Ripper movies that have been playing on TV lately. I enjoy them, but I'm getting tired of them. The one guy who played the ripper in this movie has played him in 3 or 4 others, too. And that's ALL he's done, according to his actor profile on IMDB. Like, talk about type-casting.

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Ugh. Today seems to be one of those "get-home-from-school-and-stuff-your-face-with-biscuits" days. :guiltysmiley:


Yesterday was a "stay-at-home-and-stuff-your-face-with-chocolate" kind of days. Now I feel like my pants are bursting at the seams. I miss my crazy-metabolism from college.


Today is not shaping up to be much better. Ugh.

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Yesterday was a "stay-at-home-and-stuff-your-face-with-chocolate" kind of days. Now I feel like my pants are bursting at the seams. I miss my crazy-metabolism from college.


Today is not shaping up to be much better. Ugh.


I wish my days were like that. Staying at home, stuffing myself with chocolate... it'd be like a dream come true, but no. My days are rather normal in the afternoon, snoozing after a hard day of work. :P

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Yesterday was a "stay-at-home-and-stuff-your-face-with-chocolate" kind of days. Now I feel like my pants are bursting at the seams. I miss my crazy-metabolism from college.


Today is not shaping up to be much better. Ugh.


Mm, yummy.


I don't care at the time, but I always regret pig-outs 15mins later...



Good luck with your shift, Spritzie. Longgg. :mellow:

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I actually had a pretty good day today. Tonight might be a different story. I have a report due to a funding agency tomorrow. My boss is overly wordy, so it's 120 pages long, and I still have half of it to edit.

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120 pages? I am so sorry Masaryk! That does not sound like fun. <_<


My day was ehhh. It was raining, and everyone is always quieter and more withdrawn on rainy depressing gray days.

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