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Giovanni Gale

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No more bug talk!


Look what NM I just got:

[theneopetsteam] The Neopets Staff

Sent: 11/1/2011 06:00pm

Subject: Congratulations!


Congratulations! Your wish has really come true! That donation of 21 NeoPoints you made to the Neopian Wishing

Well was worth it, because you have been granted the following item : Scenic Mountain Top Background . It will be in your inventory when you go to

Neopets next. Thanks a lot, and hope to see you soon! The Neopets Team



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Maybe she's already spreading her luck CAV? ;) In that case, I should probably stop posting in case I jinx this topic. xD

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Congrats on having your wish granted, Spritzie. Can you remember at approximately what time you made your wishes? Just the hour?

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Maybe she's already spreading her luck CAV? ;) In that case, I should probably stop posting in case I jinx this topic. xD


No. I don't feel lucky.


But just in case, I'll check MyCokeRewards and enter a contest. I just need to find my Powerade bottlecaps...

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Thanks! I've sort of seen a correlation in wish times and the chances of getting a wish granted. I just wanted to see how your wish compared. It seems to hold true to some of my previous assumptions. I was worried that when DST ended, and the wish granting times changed from 7 NST to 6 NST that the best wishing times had changed too. But between 6 and 7 was one of the "lucky hours" before, and that still seems to hold true. I guess I've just been unlucky since DST ended. :P

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So 6-7 NST is the best time to wish?


The first time I got my wish granted, I didn't pay attention to when I'd granted it. Though I think it was likely 6-7 NST, because I do my wishing while I do my dailies when I first get to work. And I do my dailies at that time.

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I always found that time to be a good time to wish. I haven't been having much luck with it lately, but I also keep forgetting to wish.

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I can't speak of it now. I have to shut off. But to say it mildly, he threatened to kick me out out of rage, and he doesn't know what happened to his son. My response was that his son died. And I feel trapped to the point where I actually did think of suicide.


I'll speak more of it tomorrow.

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I felt it was necessary. Far too much tension. :P


Okay, bye CAV, sorry about whatever the whole story is, I hope it works out. :(

And would you mind trying not to scare your best friend every time you talk about suicide? :P


-wants to hear the full story tomorrow-

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And would you mind trying not to scare your best friend every time you talk about suicide? :P


I myself was scared when I thought that, and when I blindly wrapped my headphones around my neck and started to strangle myself.

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Well for once I am speechless. I didn't know that was possible for me. :P


Btw, CAV, if you kill yorself i'm gonna come to New York and kill you.


Oh wait... :P


In all seriousness though, I hope you have a better day tomorrow. -points at what Spritzie said- That. :yes:

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What Spritzie said.


Parents sometimes have strange, irrational arguments with their teenage kids. Especially very stressed parents, like single (widowed) parents. It's normal. It's not your fault.

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I'm sure he didn't mean what he said. Parents get upset and frustrated just like we do, and they say things they don't mean too. My mom and I used to have plenty of apology sessions afterwards. But my mom and I are still close, regardless of those rough years.

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