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Hang Out and Post

Giovanni Gale

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Comcast is actually pretty good. Sure, it's a bit more expensive, but at least I can watch TV during a thunderstorm <_<


I can watch TV during a thunderstorm too. I think only Satalite providers have that problem.

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Hey guys what's up oh we're talking about television.

I'm not really sure what type I have (I don't watch tv much anymore)

how was you day, everyone?

I'm good nothing much going on here

I may have accidentally set myself on fire today.

My hands are still shaking.



Someone comfort me.

:whaa: :crying:

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The fingers on my left hand (the ring and middle especially) and the side of my thumb on the right got burnt. The rest of me is ok. Just a little shaken up!... I'd rather not go into details on how I got burnt.


Just let this be another warning for everyone to be extra careful around open flames! It's surprisingly easy to forget basic safety precautions when you aren't paying attention to reality. I know I'm gonna be more careful from now on 0_0

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Yesterday a junior in my HS started beaning me with a ball of tin foil. I grabbed it and took it away. He's big and buff, so he then grabbed my hand to get the ball. The problem is, it was my left hand, with the broken finger. Eventually, I gave it to my friend. He wanted nothing to do with the situation, so he tossed it on the table. I grabbed it again so he doesn't bean me again, and he squeezed my hand hard. He then rapped my arm around my head, and I was still struggling to get out of the submission. I still had the ball in hand. It took another junior to get him off me.


So in the basis of 6 minutes, he nearly re-broke my finger, nearly broke other fingers, nearly smash my wrist in 3 places, and nearly dislocate my sholder.

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Yeah, if you click the little 'watch this topic' button on the top you can choose how it notifies you when someone posts a reply in the topic. Its wonderful because then I don't have to remember what topics I posted in, but its not working :crying:

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