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I want to know about your pets - your pets in reality! :D



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  1. 1. Do you have a pet companion in your reality?

    • Yes! I love my pet!
    • No, not currently.
    • I used to have a pet.
    • Pets aren't for me.

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So I was browsing around and I didn't find a topic about real life pets, which is surprising! I'm sure plenty of people have pets in real life and many more probably want one - which might be why they have Neopets to begin with.


Technically, I have one pet living with me. She's a 11-month old kitten/cat named Kiara. I adopted her from a local humane shelter. She's very playful and takes A LOT of energy! She's a brown/black/grey tabby cat weighing around 10 pounds. (She was very skinny until she got fixed!) :laughingsmiley:


She scratches me often but that's because I like to cuddle her and she's not quite big of a fan. In the morning, she enjoys purring until I wake up to feed him. (She purrs to wake me up, essentially.) <_< She hates belly rubs and will give a tiny *nip* if you rub her belly. She loves being petted around her neck or the top part. She seems to hate dogs and I'm not sure if she likes cats. One time, I took her to "Petsmart" and she hissed at the cats which were up for adoption! :guiltysmiley: We use pine litter for her because it doesn't smell as strongly as the clay stuff and there's less stuff for her to breathe in.


She seems to like car rides, which I hear is very rare for cats.


My other pet? Sammy! I moved out from my parents, and he's theirs, but I consider him mine anyway. He's a 8 year old German Shepard/Husky mix. He's got separation anxiety and he doesn't like other dogs at all. He likes to run a lot. He barks at males a lot too. We think his old owner may have abused him. (We adopted him at 3 years old from the shelter.)


What about your pets!? :)

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I have a cat. (Or two)


There's Cairo. (He's the cat with me in my profile picture.)


He's 7 years old and a brown tabby/manx mix. He's playful, yet lazy. He's a people cat that goes to great lengths to pretend he's anti-social. (He likes being in the same room as everyone, but doesn't want to be touched. If no one's home for a long time, he doesn't eat much until you get home.) He despises leaving the house and car rides. He's cuddly in his own way and loves visitors (especially if they hate cats or are allergic to them.) but he HATES my sister.


Then there's my sister's cat, Rio. He's a brown tabby and he's about 8-9 years old. (My family had him for 9 months, and I got totally attached so I still consider him mine a bit, even though I haven't lived with him in over 7 years.) He's more dog than cat. He loves car rides (especially on the hatch back of my sister's sports car) and walks on a leash. He loves playing with other animals.

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I have two dogs, beagles, a girl and a boy, called Freckle and Spot.


I know, I know. BUUUT... Freckle was what his first owner (the breeder) called him, so we kept it. My little sister named Spot, so she didn't even think of the connection.


Freckle's about 8 now, and Spot's just about 1. Freckle won't chase sticks, hates water, is a total laze about - Spot's the opposite. The first time she chased her tail I just sat there and watched - I didn't think it was a thing dogs actually did because Freckle never did it.


And we think Spot's pregnant. Which I still think is weird, but I'm sure it's totally normal for dogs.

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None of the options fit my dog lol. My dog, is, is, special... Here is a picture: sprouty.jpg See? He has so many quirks and problems... He is the dumbest dog ever... I love him though... I snuggle with him, he is my baby...

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I have a cat. (Or two)


Then there's my sister's cat, Rio. He's a brown tabby and he's about 8-9 years old. (My family had him for 9 months, and I got totally attached so I still consider him mine a bit, even though I haven't lived with him in over 7 years.) He's more dog than cat. He loves car rides (especially on the hatch back of my sister's sports car) and walks on a leash. He loves playing with other animals.


Hahah! Yes, Kiara seems to be content on my lap in our car - to the point where she actually starts falling to sleep! And we've leash trained her too, although she doesn't actually "walk", not like a dog anyway. I keep her away from sidewalks or busy areas where cars/dogs could distress her. Since she's an indoor cat, I like to give her exercise in the summer by 'walking' her. Right now, winter is here.


Btw, here's a photo of her. Just picture her weighing a few more pounds since she was still a kitten here. (I put it as a link because I'm not sure what your rules here are regarding pictures and their sizes. ;)




And we think Spot's pregnant. Which I still think is weird, but I'm sure it's totally normal for dogs.


Well, make sure to take Spot to the vet and find those puppies a good home! <3 Freckles and Spot are cute names however!


None of the options fit my dog lol. My dog, is, is, special... Here is a picture:


Sorry I didn't think of enough options for you! He seems very cute! Sometimes, my dog acts a little silly too...

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I love hearing about other people's pets. :)

I'll try to keep this short as possible...


• Dudley- a big (16.3hh), sorrel quarter horse who has a very funny personality, and only likes me. Won't let anyone else handle or ride him lol. He has come a very long way from when I first bought him when he was neglected and had pretty much no training. Now we do English pleasure and dressage. He looooooves going for trail rides and to horse shows.

• Zeke- a bay/white modern shetland pony... the trouble maker. <.< He's a big copy cat- copies every single thing Dudley does. He's going through a 2 year old phase trying to get away with everything bad and throwing temper tantrums -.- but, he has done extremely well with his ground training. He loves trails and is well behaved on them so hopefully he'll be a good trail pony once he's older.

• Cazi- a very silly sable German shepherd. She doesn't take anything seriously and is the silliest dog I've ever seen. So not a working dog. She's very slow when it comes to training... it took her until she turned 1 this year to learn how to play fetch lol. She looooves going for walks and going on car rides.

• Blueberry- a 14 year old siamese cat, who has always been quite temperamental. Even though she's older now she hasn't changed much. One second you can be petting her real nice, then the next second she'll be clinging onto your arm biting and attacking you. XD

• Cheezy- Not much younger than blueberry, a very sweet, plush tortoiseshell cat. She's the best hunter we've had.

• Buzz- a tabby we had as a kitten years ago. She's quite feral and hyper but loves attention.

• Taco- a brown/white tabby who thinks he's a dog lol. He has a huge personality and loooves food. I rescued him when someone dropped him off and he found his way to our garage, he had been abused pretty bad. :c

• Luna- a very pretty blue-grey tabby who someone dropped off as a tiny kitten during the brutal winter last year. We found her out in our woods hiding in a pipe. She loves to play and is very sweet but for a kitten she's very lazy.

• Then I have over 80 fish and some aquatic frogs. I mainly keep cichlids (malawi, west african, central american, south american), synodontis catfish, loaches, and silver dollars, but I also have a range of community fish. They actually have personalities which is one reason why I love keeping them so much, they're quite interesting to me.

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Aaw, nice topic :)


I have a black doberman called Miram.


She is reeeally hyped up, lively and nervous outside but also cuddly at home. Its stressfull sometimes but I love her so much :wub_anim: . She´s almost 4 years old now, I hope she will calm down over the years but I´m pretty shure that will not happen :D

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Wow that's a lot of pets zorse! I'm jealous! My dads not a huge fan of pets, so I'm lucky to have one cat, but it's ok coz he's pretty great (although I would love a kitten..) His name is sootie and he's black (go figure :P). He's an exotic -a cross between a persian and an american shorthair (dubbed 'the lazy mans persian') So he looks a bit like the black version of the white cat from Cats & Dogs. And because his face is flat his tooth kind of sticks out a bit hehe. Every time someone meets him they are a little shocked, but then he grows on them because he's so cuddly and playful :)




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I have the cutest little Jack Russell Terrier


Mouse is 5 years old now and we've raised her from a puppy. Angel our other Jack Russell is Mouse's mom, and unfortunately due to her health Angel is sleeping in the clouds now. We all miss her, especially Mouse.


Lately Mouse has been moping around the house and her usual treats she won't eat and we're constantly trying to get her to eat something decent. She's very lonely now that her mom is gone and we're hoping to get her bred this spring and have little puppies running around and I can't wait for that day. Except for the excessive chewing, that I could do without. When they'e teething they're like little beavers and will chew anything including holes in the wall.


Mouse...What kind of a name is that for a dog?

Well the answer to that is when she was born she was literally the size of a tiny little field mouse. She was so small and skinny and would fit nicely in the palm of your hand. At first we weren't sure if she would survive but after feeding her with an eyedropper with condensed milk and helping her drink from her mom she picked up and became the smartest pup out of the litter.


Unlike most Jack Russel's Mouse has long-wired hair but it's soft instead of coarse like it is on most others. She has such a unique personality. She loves to play with her balls and has recently started being gentle with her stuffed toys. Before she would just rip them to pieces in a few hours and there would be stuffing everywhere. She loves playing in the snow and most days I'll have to go out and get her inside before she gets too cold. What she does is rolls her her ball around in the snow with her paws like we would with a snowball when making a snowman. Anyways the ball gets too cold for her mouth so she rolls it around the yard. She can jump about 5.5 feet which is somewhat scary considering if she tried hard she would escape our yard.


Mouse loves to snuggle and her favorite place lately is on my pillow and she barely leaves any room for me. She's a little shy around my 4-month old daughter. I guess that's probably because she had her whiskers yanked on.


She uses her front paws like hands and absolutely loves water. Her water fascination is cute and rather annoying sometimes. When we run water in the bathtub we usually have to close the door or else when we go check the water she'll be in the water with her head under the tap attacking the water or just sitting in the tub. She loves her baths and asks for them regularly whether she needs one or not and we can't say no to her or else she just helps herself and you're stuck washing her anyways. In the summer one sure way to keep her occupied is turn on the sprinkler and she'll be occupied until you turn the water off.


She absolutely despises cats, there's a long story behind that one.


I almos forgot something. Ever since Mouse was a puppy she sits like a Meercat when she wants something. We didn't even have to teach her that, she just picked it up on her own. It's her unique way of begging. Oh and she likes the TELUS Hippo commercials, for some reason they capture her attention.


Mouse is pictured as my avatar and my profile picture on here.

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Hmmm...how many pets have I had...


1. P-Nut: Peanut was a Border Collie-Old English Sheepdog mix.


2.Dotty-Dotty was a tiny black and white cat with a black spot under her chin. She was terrified of other women(human women!)


3. Seymore: Seymore was a little orange puffball(like the JubJub of cats).


4. Amber: Oh gosh, I'm gonna have to tell a story here. When I was in Elementary school I saw this cat literally get thrown out of a car. I ran over and told my mom we have to take this cat home. So we wrapped her in a blanket and loaded her into the car. She was MY kitty. Every night she'd cuddle with me, she would get in the bathtub with me, I loved her. One day I had to go to my grandparents for the night so I, of course, cuddled with Amber. I heard this crackling noise. When I got home the next day I couldn't find her. I asked my parents where she was and they told me that Amber was in "kitty heaven". Turns out, she had a mass in her throat and the vets couldn't take it out.


5. Shianne: Shianne was a big, bold, beautiful cat. She was half Persian(I don't know what else). I got this toy cat for Christmas once that came with a rhinestone collar and fluffy pink pillow, Shianne was jealous of it!


6. Sora: Sora was named after the characters from Hack Sign(the anime) and Kingdom Hearts. He has another sad story but it had a happy ending. We got him from Petsmart and he was very sick. Through the constant IVs in his back, being fed baby food and Fancy Feast while Shianne got extremely jealous, he lived through his sickness.


7. Gypsy: Gypsy was my Dachshund. I was still really young though(12ish) so I gave her to a nice friend of the family who had a lot of dogs and could take care of her because she had more experience.


I've had two hamsters Axel and Cherry(or Cherub Vinneigh, her full name)


My past fishes



Braveheart(who Amber ate)

Sid Vicious

and a few I can't remember


And the two cats I have now: Jude and Tucker.


Jude is an English Shorthair. Tucker is a Maine Coon mix. I would yap on and on but I have to go draw a picture of Jude himself!

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I love hearing about other people's pets.

I'll try to keep this short as possible...


• Dudley- a big (16.3hh), sorrel quarter horse who has a very funny personality, and only likes me.


Wow! I've never had a horse. Can't compete with that. It must be a lot of work! You must live on a farm I assume? :eh:


• Zeke- a bay/white modern shetland pony... the trouble maker. <.< He's a big copy cat- copies every single thing Dudley does. He's going through


And you have a pony! I haven't seen one in years. Sounds smart though!

Love German Shepards! So cute! My dog basically looks like a black one, since he's half German Shepard/Husky.


• Blueberry- a 14 year old siamese cat, who has always been quite temperamental. Even though she's older now she hasn't changed much. One second you can be petting her real nice, then the next second she'll be clinging onto your arm biting and attacking you. XD


I love Siamese cats. I know of know one who actually has one. My cat is a bit temperamental too. She does the same thing. She'll start purring when I pet her and then with no warning at all starts to chew on my hand. o_O I'll try to get my hand away from her and she'll grip it with her paws and bunny-kick me!

My cats indoor, so I don't know how good of a hunter she is.


Nice of you to take in feral cats. ^_^


As for Taco, where did they drop him off? I hate people who dump dogs in the wild as if they can defend or take of themselves. They sentence their dogs to death basically.


A lot of people sound so uncaring around your part, but perhaps you just seem it most often because of where you live? Living a kitten in the woods seems so cruel...


My sister had fish. We dropped them off a pet store after asking if they would take them as we had no desire to keep them. Well, SHE had no desire to keep them. They were sharks and just kept growing.


Aaw, nice topic :)


I have a black doberman called Miram.


She is reeeally hyped up, lively and nervous outside but also cuddly at home. Its stressfull sometimes but I love her so much :wub_anim: . She´s almost 4 years old now, I hope she will calm down over the years but I´m pretty shure that will not happen


Maybe. 4 years old is mostly an adult. They all have such different personalities!


His name is sootie and he's black (go figure :P). He's an exotic -a cross between a persian and an american shorthair (dubbed 'the lazy mans persian') So he looks a bit like the black version of the white cat from Cats & Dogs. And because his face is flat his tooth kind of sticks out a bit hehe. Every time someone meets him they are a little shocked, but then he grows on them because he's so cuddly and playful.


That kitty is so cute!!! Wow! So unique looking to. :woot: Looks like such a sweetheart. Love the name btw!


Mouse is 5 years old now and we've raised her from a puppy. Angel our other Jack Russell is Mouse's mom, and unfortunately due to her health Angel is sleeping in the clouds now. We all miss her, especially Mouse.


Sorry for your loss.

Puppies are quite a lot of work! But it does seem like Mouse needs company. Poor Puppup!



When we run water in the bathtub we usually have to close the door or else when we go check the water she'll be in the water with her head under the tap attacking the water or just sitting in the tub. She loves her baths and asks for them regularly whether she needs one or not and we can't say no to her or else she just helps herself and you're stuck washing her anyways.


I hear it's a rarity for either dogs or cats to enjoy baths. You are very lucky there! Sammy, my German Shepard/Husky mix, DESPISES baths. He cries so much when we wash him! He tries to escape but good thing our shower has a door. He gets so happy when he gets out.



4. Amber: Oh gosh, I'm gonna have to tell a story here. When I was in Elementary school I saw this cat literally get thrown out of a car. I ran over and told my mom we have to take this cat home. So we wrapped her in a blanket and loaded her into the car.


Aye! What's with people!?! Well, sounds like she was in the right place at the right time to end up with you! I mean that!



6. Sora: Sora was named after the characters from Hack Sign(the anime) and Kingdom Hearts.

Off topic but I LOVED hack//sign. :wub_anim:


I've had two hamsters Axel and Cherry(or Cherub Vinneigh, her full name)


Love hamsters! They're so cute and fluffy. Though, they do make a lot of noise at nig


<_< A hamster named Tickles was my first pet. I loved him very much. He lived a pretty long life. They are very good starter pets.

Typing take more effort than talking, and as I type, my kitty is meowing for attention! -_-

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Wow lots of quotes! I don't know how to quote with a name so hopefully this will make sense...


Wow! I've never had a horse. Can't compete with that. It must be a lot of work! You must live on a farm I assume?

And you have a pony! I haven't seen one in years. Sounds smart though!

Love German Shepards! So cute! My dog basically looks like a black one, since he's half German Shepard/Husky.

I guess it can kind of be considered a farm since we normally lease out some of our land for corn or beans, this year we had hay. But since we don't raise any animals and only have one horse and pony I don't think it's much of a farm in that way. Honestly I don't do much work, but I have before, and once you get used to it, it becomes much easier and faster so it's not too bad.


I bet your dog is super cute :) I love how black German shepherds look, and huskies are always cute ^^ sounds like a good looking mix


I love Siamese cats. I know of know one who actually has one. My cat is a bit temperamental too. She does the same thing. She'll start purring when I pet her and then with no warning at all starts to chew on my hand. o_O I'll try to get my hand away from her and she'll grip it with her paws and bunny-kick me!

LOL! that's how Blueberry is! It wouldn't be all that much of a problem, but since she's a siamese her fang teeth never stop growing so she's like a vampire and although we had her de-clawed she still has a few claws so she can really inflict some damage when she wants xD


As for Taco, where did they drop him off? I hate people who dump dogs in the wild as if they can defend or take of themselves. They sentence their dogs to death basically.


A lot of people sound so uncaring around your part, but perhaps you just seem it most often because of where you live? Living a kitten in the woods seems so cruel...


My sister had fish. We dropped them off a pet store after asking if they would take them as we had no desire to keep them. Well, SHE had no desire to keep them. They were sharks and just kept growing.


Lol Taco is a cat, just acts like a dog, but yeah I hate when people drop off any type of animal. We had to live in a really bad area for a while, and that's where they would drop them off at- where they thought they would die. :( Now the place we live at isn't a bad area, but a highway comes through it, so I think people drop animals off here because it seems like the middle of nowhere, though not as many animals seem to be dropped off here as the last place we lived. One lady recently watched a guy drop off a 3-legged dog at her farm. <_< Really sad because the dog wouldn't stop following him.


Aw well she did the right thing to drop off the fish. :) Bad for them to be in a too small of tank with how giant they get. My mom used to keep them and they were really cool, but I don't have desire to keep them either- with their size they're just too active for me and would take up too much of my tank space.




Sftangliz, I'm so jealous! Those are my dream cats! *.* Soooo pretty!


Domsim, yeah my dad isn't big on pets either but luckily my mom let me get them lol. Your cat is soooo cute :D


I'm also jealous of those who have dachshunds and dobermans :P

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Well since some people have posted photos of their lovely pets, I thought I'd add some of my own! So, here is my cutie kitty (who is nearly a year old now), Kiara, after opening her Christmas gift Christmas morning!





Here she is playing in a box of Pepsi Cherry. We don't have those here in Canada, so we get the boxes from the US when we cross the border.





And this is Sammy. He's 8 years old and lives at my parent's place. Even though I moved out, I still consider him my dog too. He's the german shepard/husky mix. We adopted him at 3 years old from the shelter. My younger sister took this picture of him looking happy about her homework, lol.



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Oh my gosh! Cairo and Jude are so cute. Cairo kind of looks like Kiara. What's cool about Jude is that Jude has a black spot on her nose, she looks kind of like a little bear or husky puppy! (At least in this photo!)


You're not the first person to say he looks like a husky(Jude's a guy).

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I have two kitties :)


Kelly is 9 (almost 10) years old. Her reason for living is food. I have no idea why but she loves it so much! She used to be fat but she had to go on a diet (which she did not like one bit). Then she started eating her food so fast then would end up throwing up. Now we can only gove her tiny portions (more often). I sometimes question if she is really a cat. She sits like a person and LOVES people food (bacon being her favorite).


Cutie Pie is 4 years old. She loves tea so I have to have a cover on it if I'm drinking it. She also is very, vey annoying! (she has been neowing outside my bedroom door for about a good half hour now. But she sits on the computer and messes everything up so she can't be in here!) She is just a very odd cat.


The grey one is Cutie Pie and the big one is Kelly. (this is an old picture but I was too lazy to take a current one)



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Hm. It seems the boards won't let me post pictures? Maybe I'm not doing it right...it says that "post must be longer" even though there was lots of stuff in the post. Oh well :3

I have 2 dogs, and 2 fish that my boyfriend got me for my birthday this year, and my brother has a gecko. That's it. We used to have birds, guinea pigs, hamsters and a scorpian though, but we've considerably downsized. My dogs are Clifford (he's a small havanese...about 15lbs) and Annie (a VERY large St. Bernard...about 175lbs). Clifford is 11.5 years old and Annie is 3.5 years old :) Also, the rest of this pets on here ARE SO FREAKING CUTE <3

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