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Do you apply for pets?


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I was just wondering, cause I'm waiting on news from my fifth(?) application and it's driving me nuts XD. I've never succeeded in an app unfortunately; the one pet I did get chosen for (also incidentally the nicest I've applied for) was frozen two days before she was due to come home to me. Literally devastating, but I soldier on :ohno:


I'd like to know if you've applied for pets, and if so what was the outcome?

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nahemah, although selling pets is banned, people often trade pets of equal "worth" and also sometime pets are put up purely for adoption. appplications help the owner sort out whats fair and who is suitable :)


personally i haven't applied (excluding avatar pets :P and those are loans) for pets, but i have accepted applications for my lab pets.

i've adopted out jetsams, a faerie ixi, white usul and a few others.


i'm glad that now there is a way to safely transfer pets, before it was a case of refresh, cross fingers and hope for luck :P


all the best for your application, what pet are you applying for? maraquans are my favourite color, although water, baby and faerie are also my loves.

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Thanks very much :) I'm applying for Ham who's being adopted out with an unlimited custom (Red Draik, yes please :P). The deadline was the other day and the winners were supposed to be chosen yesterday but they haven't been yet. I'm so nervous!! D:


I actually have a Maraquan Scorchio UFA at the moment if you want him? His name is Tarafi ^_^

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nahemah, although selling pets is banned, people often trade pets of equal "worth" and also sometime pets are put up purely for adoption. appplications help the owner sort out whats fair and who is suitable :)


personally i haven't applied (excluding avatar pets :P and those are loans) for pets, but i have accepted applications for my lab pets.

i've adopted out jetsams, a faerie ixi, white usul and a few others.


i'm glad that now there is a way to safely transfer pets, before it was a case of refresh, cross fingers and hope for luck :P


all the best for your application, what pet are you applying for? maraquans are my favourite color, although water, baby and faerie are also my loves.


Well that's kinda cool. Half of my pets are adopted. I used that Lost Quiggle website to adopted Tonette, and some adoption page agency thing to adopted Ash, my Aisha. So I guess applications are what's best for the pet:)

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wow, then wishing you super strength luck on that! draiks are lovely, its both a good and bad thing they are so rare :P


thanks for the offer of the scorchio, but i've got 2 lab rats at the moment :( so all full up on pets, wishing all the best for their forever home :)


and Nahemah, glad you found that helpful :) and off topic, but fingers crossed for your auction!

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When I had more time on my hands a couple years ago, I put some time into applying and got a few, yeah. Although, except as a brief overview of the people who are interested, I don't think much of the process of applying for pets because it's not like people who intend to stick your pet on a side account to gather dust or trade it away will burst into flame if they try to copy-paste that "Good Ownership Pledge," or won't consider it worth a couple hours, some petpage coding, and a few sugarcoated lies. I say this as someone who's both adopted in and adopted out.

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I was just wondering, cause I'm waiting on news from my fifth(?) application and it's driving me nuts XD. I've never succeeded in an app unfortunately; the one pet I did get chosen for (also incidentally the nicest I've applied for) was frozen two days before she was due to come home to me. Literally devastating, but I soldier on :ohno:


I'd like to know if you've applied for pets, and if so what was the outcome?



I ended up being busy and didn't apply for her Wocky. (I had no time to draw, or to think of a story... and for a layout. So rather than wasting her time on a Neomail, I didn't apply at all.)

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Ironic. I also applied for Ham. Although i didn't get to put a whole lot of time into it. I would want her (yes gender change) to be a royal girl draik. They are so pretty. I have had terrible luck with applications. I have applied for three pets total the first on the owner got hacked a few days before and she didn't adopt out the one pet that i was applying for. The next one the owner said the deadline was such and such a day and i sent in my application that day but apparently she meant the night before so horray for that. This is the first one that i have sent in and it was early. good luck. I hope at least someone here gets Ham. Such an awesome name.

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Annukii - Thank you :* It's true, Draiks are amazing. I do wish they weren't *quite* so expensive but I can see why they are :P. No problem on Tarafi, let me know if you change your mind!


Eightbitdimwit - I totally understand where you're coming from, those people get to me ¬_¬. I help out at The Draik Project and before I became a judge they adopted out their first Draik - straight away the person traded. So sad that people can be so deceitful :/


Xepha - Aw that is a shame :( Hopefully the next time one comes up for adoption you'll have more time to spend on an app. If one's been adopted out once it'll happen again :)


Batman - *SNAP!* XD I spent quite a bit of time on my app, but I didn't want to go nuts and make her think I hadn't read the rules properly. I'm literally refreshing the page every 30 seconds waiting for an update o_O. I know it's unlikely I'll get him, there's probably going to have been a few dozen applicants or more but one can hope :P. I wish you the best of luck, I'll be happy if you get him (or her :P). Royal Girl Draik would be purdy :) It would be nice if someone from 'round these parts got her I agree ^^. I'm sorry to hear you've had such horrid app experiences :( I was chosen to adopt Kaiiat the UC Faerie Shoy but she was frozen two days before the adoption. So unlucky :sad02:


Edit: WOW smilieness XD

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I figure i will just wait. I doubt i will be chosen so no need to get my hopes up to much. I was just super busy with finals. I just love the name to be honest. I wouldn't even care if i just got ham the way he is right now.


EDIT: I am also hoping that most people will apply for her UC instead of this one. So we have better odds.

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I figure i will just wait. I doubt i will be chosen so no need to get my hopes up to much. I was just super busy with finals. I just love the name to be honest. I wouldn't even care if i just got ham the way he is right now.


EDIT: I am also hoping that most people will apply for her UC instead of this one. So we have better odds.


That's what I said in my app :P It's the name I want most, I'd be happy to save to turn him into a Draik myself.

Haha I've been hoping for the exact same thing :P I was glad to see them both being adopted out together, the Wocky would be the most desirable to the majority of people. But 'Ham' though!! That's so much better, despite my love for UC Greys :wub_anim:

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I did once, an ice Bruce which was before the convertables/UC era began. I got her and had her for a few years. This summer I was trading for a custom and got a faerie Draink for her but when I checked on the ice Bruce a week ago, the account was frozen :(

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Yes, I'm very happy :) :)



Well, the names are all blurred out but I'm pretty sure I put :D :D after the app name... Let it be me!!! D: D:

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I apply occasionally if I see a pet UFA that really catches my eye. I applied for and got a pet through TNO recently, and although I totally agree that the pledge and all the bells and whistles they require don't do anything to distill people's motives, I did have a good experience with everyone I dealt with. I've been rejected a bunch of times, too, but life goes on.

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Back when I was 14-15-ish, I was a staff member for DLAA - a website where people zapped adopted pets then gave them to people. I zapped plenty of pets and had applications submitted to me. I wasn't strict. I didn't care for the whole 'fancy' petpage thing. I never had exceedingly rare pets regardless.


This was way back before they had the transfer option. (Which I absolutely LOVE.) However, I never once lost a pet. (Thankfully!) We were swift, I gave them the link for the pet long before I disowned it.


I think I applied once - but since I was part of the community, an application wasn't needed. I personally asked for a Cybunny....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just wondering, cause I'm waiting on news from my fifth(?) application and it's driving me nuts XD. I'd like to know if you've applied for pets, and if so what was the outcome?


I know this feeling. I honestly don't have the patience for applying for any more pets.


I've applied for 3 pets in my time on Neopets.


The 2 recent ones have been for Baby Chombies. I applied for one 3 months ago. Several days after the deadline the pet was still sitting there. I mailed the owner asking if my app had been rejected. No response. 2 months later, the pet is still sitting on that account, and I still didn't get a reply :P


The second one I applied for, about 2 months ago, didn't have a deadline. I sent my app, and nothing. Not even a confirmation that my app had been received. A couple of weeks later I mailed again, simply with a query as to whether my app had been received, and if it had been rejected... no response. Oh, guess what... that pet is still sitting on that account.


I ended up forking out for a chomby and a baby PB myself to get this pet. It was worth every penny not to waste my heart into more apps that just get ignored.


I don't know if some people just get overwhelmed with the whole application progress, change their mind and don't want to say anything, or are just inflating their egos to see what effort people will put into getting their pet. Either way I'll just save up and paint/morph any future dreamies myself.

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