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there is a systemic method for looking for new items .. like ID number or something


someone told me how a long time ago but i forgot



Some are numbered (like captions) and some are not (like those new wearables for your favorite species, new petpets, etc.) All it takes to find them is some intelligence and luck ;)

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Some are numbered (like captions) and some are not (like those new wearables for your favorite species, new petpets, etc.) All it takes to find them is some intelligence and luck ;)


So for the items, do you literally just have to plug "guesses" into the image code for the new item? (Sorry, don't know how to phrase that properly). Like, trial and error?

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Generally no, but sometimes we (I) have to. Most images have a pattern, as Xepha mentioned, so it's easy to search for a specific item. When it shows up in our finder, we post it for you :)


The only time that I have to manually search URLs is if there is part of a set that wasn't found.

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