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Neomail Addict Avatar


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I got the Neomail Addict Avatar last month myself, I was never expecting it as well when I was trying to create a Neomail. Also Bluewisp16, congrats on getting the Neomail Addict avatar for your collection as well.

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mine was also "i love neomail" :P thank goodness, i wouldn't have had the patience otherwise! congratulations on the avvy and the Taelia one too! which one are you going to focus on next?

I've found that I'm not very good with games, so at the moment I'm focusing on the luck ones. I'm also saving up to get the lab ray and hopefully get some of the avatars through that. ^_^

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  • 5 months later...

you are so lucky i've been waiting forever but :sad01_anim: nothing


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