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I really think TNT did a great job giving free stuff like this out every once in a while. It really allows those of us with little cash to have something interesting.


Thank you for posting this! I wouldn't have remembered otherwise!


Thanks Spritzie!


I think I'm just gonna keep the gift bag as is, I think it's prettier than the wearable :P


Error: Oops! The NC Mall is not currently available in your country. Please check back soon.


:( As usual... TNT should at least allow people to see NC Mall and collect free stuff even if we can't buy in it.


Inside is the Merry Balloon Gift Foreground in case any one was wondering. 4.png


:yes: That was exactly what I was wondering :P


It jus came out isn't it? Like one hour ago wasn't announced anywhere :C




BTW: Not so sure about open it, is... Not that cute...


But it seems that all good christmas wereable foregrounds dissapeared now and my Asrudin seems a bit... Like he needs someting else on his customization :C




Thanks for alerting that free NC Mall goodie, Spritzie.


These balloons are adorable, and I like them better than last year's Giant Candy Cane Foreground item, too. Also, thanks for the item preview Wembly, it goes great with your Kiko's holiday getup as well.


Thanks for letting us know about this item! The Foreground goes great with my Grundo. :-) Hooray for Neopets surprises! Thanks again!


Thanks for the news! ^^ idk but i think the bag looks prettier than the foreground so I'm probably going to just leave it as the gift bag. ^_^


i loooove free stuff but i think this foregound is rather ugly. =/ i wish we got something prettier, but hey! it's free... can't expect too much lol

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