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Yeap, just heed the title. Life is catching up with me all of a sudden, and even though it's holidays I have school, and homework, and life is generally hectic. I love TDN, but right now, I can't be online, because the world hates me, and because I need to get some thinking sorted out.




See you when I do,


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Aw. Don't leave me, and everyone else who thinks and cares about you! I hope everything goes well in your real life and hopefully, you get back here again! And steal the today's top 20 posters too! I will miss you a lot Sweetdang! Really really really! :(


*drags Sweetdang back even though it is useless*

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There goes TDN's daily top poster... I'm going to miss you Sweetdang, again.

I wish you the best of luck on your endeavours, and I can't wait to see you again soon.

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Well, I'll miss you (again), so goodbye(again). Who knows, maybe when you come back I'll already be a Supr Member. I don't have long till my birthday to get there!

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